Page 63 of Dark Escapes

‘Because he was in love with my mum, and she chose my dad. They were thick as thieves as teenagers, building up from the low rungs in other gangs to forming their own together. They were ruthless together and soon amassed a crime organisation that rivalled any of the others. Then Mum appeared, and they were both instantly smitten, both vying for her attention. And she revelled in it, going from one to the other and even both at the same time. I think she thought they could all be together, but both my dad and Harold were much too jealous to entertain that. They both liked to conquer completely, and although they shared a business, sharing a woman was too much. Harold gave her an ultimatum, and she chose dad. It left him furious and wild and erased any moral compass he once held.’

‘Why wait so long for revenge?’

‘They still worked together for a while, and then Harold met his wife and Dad distanced from him, creating his own empire. For a while Harold seemed happy, at least externally, but his wife could never live up to the image he had in his head for her. From what I’ve heard, he was horrifically cruel to both her and his two kids, to the point she abandoned them and disappeared. Harold seems to have that effect on women.’

I sighed and closed my eyes, the bus jostling us as the rural landscape swept by. ‘Why did your dad agree to let him marry you, knowing all that?’

‘I’m collateral damage. Risk the one to save the many. I’m pretty sure he hates himself for agreeing to it too, but he’s already lost his wife and his eldest son. He wants to avoid losing any more kids to Harold’s bullets. Not to mention how unstable things have been recently, Harold is powerful, much more so than Dad even. He has his fingers in so many pies that it’s beginning to strangle Dad’s hold in Glasgow, and marrying me off will theoretically end this war between the two of them. Not that I foresee it working. Harold just wants to twist the knife.’

‘You don’t deserve this,’ I said, my thumb drifting over her cheek.

‘I know. But if it’s me or Maeve, then I have no choice. She’s my baby sister.’

We ran out of words for some time; the bus lulling us into silence as I wracked my brain, trying to find a way out for Esther. Trying to find the possibility of a future for us. Every which way just ended in death, hers or mine. Harold wasn’t a man to mess with, even for someone like me who killed for a living. He was well aware of the pile of enemies waiting for a chance to destroy him, and gathered men around him who would shoot first, question later.

My jaw tightened as I looked out of the window, anger tearing at my innards. I was fucking useless, and I would be the one to deliver Esther back to the monster awaiting her.

I should have left her in the taverna when I had the chance.



The masseuse finished rubbing her oiled hands across my legs as I sighed happily. Alec had booked a fantastic hotel, all marbled flooring, floor to ceiling windows, and even a luxury spa. We’d pretended for two days that this wasn’t the beginning of the end and just ate good food, walked about the city hand in hand and fucked like a pair of people possessed. Between using his card online, and my ill-gotten dancing cash, we’d lived like kings.

It had been the best few days of my life. I couldn’t decide whether it was because I knew our time was limited, so I didn’t have any of the holding back that oft came with new relationships, or the fact I’d seen him cut a dick into a man’s stomach to defend my honour, but the barriers between us had evaporated.

The masseuse pulled a warm towel up over my back before stepping out of the room, leaving me with the gentle tinkling of music coming from the in-room sound system. I placed my head on my arm, spying Alec where he sat on the roof terrace. His chest rose and fell smoothly as he cat-napped in the sun, his blond hair peeping out from the hat he’d pulled down over his face. Warmth filled my stomach as I watched him, mulling over everything I knew about him. What would he do when we went back, when I was out of his hair?

Loneliness clung to him as surely as his shadow, leaving visible chasms around his heart. I hadn’t seen them before, but I’d never been looking past his sexy bad boy shell. Inside, he was sweeter than I’d ever imagined he could be. Protective. Dare I say it, loving. He thrived off of my touch and my attention, and never had I felt so needed. So wanted. It was killing me. This glimpse of what could be was a curse as much as it was a blessing, because I’d know its absence all the more keenly when he was no longer within reach.

I took a quick shower before sliding open the door to the rooftop and walking naked to the jumbo sized hot-tub.

Alec murmured his approval as I walked past him, putting a little more wiggle in my step, just for his benefit.

‘Keep wiggling that thing at me and I’m going to have to take another bite,’ he said, sliding his hat off and putting it on the table beside him.

‘You wouldn’t dare.’

‘Oh, but you know I would. I’d get it good and red first too.’

‘Promises, promises,’ I sighed with an overly dramatic flair, hitting the button by the pool that kicked the bubbles to life.

The water was glorious as I sank into it; the jets soothing against my muscles. I closed my eyes and leant back against the side; the sun warming my face. Until a shadow stole the heat.

His hand was in my hair before I could even open my eyes, pulling me up and over the edge of the hot tub so that my arse was on full display. Thankfully, with the height of the hotel and our top floor suite, it was unlikely anyone could see.

Three sharp slaps rang out loudly as his hand connected with my wet skin. I muffled a cry into my arm as I writhed against the edge of the tub.

‘I don’t break promises, sweetheart. If you get all bratty on me, I’ll tan your arse until it’s double the size and you can’t sit down when I take you to dinner.’

‘I’d like to see you try,’ I said, smirking until he landed me with some more stingy slaps.

‘All mouth, aren’t you? Well Princess, you know what they say about idle mouths, don’t you? Open up, baby.’

He pulled me to my knees, my bottom half submerged in the water as he straddled the side of the tub in front of me, his shorts already gone and his dick filled to bursting.

I licked my lips and looked up at him.