Page 7 of Dark Escapes


‘I’m a bit old for that, don’t you think?’ She blinked up at me through long eyelashes, green eyes duller since they announced her marriage.

‘Just following orders.’ I shrugged, taking another bite.

‘I enjoy following orders,’ she breathed. Toast clogged in my mouth as I nearly choked on it. My eyes flew to her face as her cheeks tinged pink.

‘I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.’ Because I’d end up hard as a rock if I kept thinking about her obeying. About her on her knees and following my directions. Fuck.

‘I did though.’ Esther turned her body toward me and reached out, drifting a finger gently down my chest as I froze. Everything in my brain flashed red with a huge fucking danger warning sign. What was happening? ‘Have you never thought about it?’

I’d be lying if I denied having ever fantasised about her. How could I not? Her petite, curvy, soft lines just begged to be enveloped around hardness. The band of freckles over her nose was just a fucking delight. And those eyes. Those eyes blinking up at me? Man, I’d dreamed about those eyes.

I cleared my throat and tried to form words while fingers grazed over my thigh as she smiled. The evidence of how much I’d thought about her was quite obvious in the strain of my trousers. I gripped her wrist. She needed to stop.

A gasp left her mouth as I held her tight, and I turned her so her hips pressed against the counter, those fucking eyes facing away from me. Her arm twisted behind her back as I held her there, my groin pressed against her lower back.

‘You’re engaged,’ I said against her ear, aiming for menacing but sounding far more salacious that I’d meant to.

The whimper that she let out before grinding herself back against me gripped me to the core. Holy shit. Did she enjoy this? I enjoyed sex that was a bit on the more risque side, but never in a million years would I have suspected it of Esther. She was a pampered princess, living off of her daddy’s coin.

‘To a monster.’ Her voice was breathy and dripping with want.

‘How do you know I’m not a monster?’

‘Better the devil you know.’

I glanced toward the door. Being caught with her pressed between my erection and the toast crumb dusted counter would be bad news for me. But she was intoxicating. I leaned my lips in close to her ear, inhaling her scent as she moaned ever so prettily.

‘Don’t test my loyalty to your family, Esther. I’m here to make sure you get married, not to be teased.’

I released her somewhat reluctantly and stepped back, my heart racing as she turned toward me. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

‘You can’t pretend you haven’t thought about it. I’ve seen the way you look at me. Your dick was just hard against me. You want this too.’

‘And what exactly isthis?’

Her mouth opened, then closed as she looked for the words.

‘Is it sex Esther? A mouth on your cunt? A last foray before you are tied down? What do you want from me?’

‘Never mind,’ she said, straightening out her shoulders and visibly pulling that princess mask back onto her face. ‘You probably couldn’t give me what I want, anyway.’

‘Don’t be a brat,’ I said, already imagining taking her over my knee. If I got any harder, my cock would fucking pop.

‘What are you going to do about it?’ The sparkle twinkled back into her eyes as she closed the space between us. ‘You strike me as the type who’s all talk.’

Within a breath, I had her hair gripped in my fist, holding her tight as I leant down, our mouths a hair’s breadth apart. ‘You keep telling yourself that, pretty girl.’

Her mouth opened, her pink tongue dashing against her lower lip as she looked from my mouth to my eyes.

Tasting her was not an option.

I let her go, a pout settling over her face as I made space between us.

‘You aren’t mine to be touching like that.’

Disappointment made her frown as I shook my head, trying to clear my mind. Grabbing my water bottle, I left the room, needing air. Hoping no-one would spy my erect cock on the way out.