Page 15 of Dark Escapes

‘I used to sneak in and read it. I think it might have been the least salacious diary in the world. Eventually, she binned it and stopped hiding anything. I haven’t thought about it for years.’ Stepping over the mess I’d left strewn on the floor, she picked her way to the far corner and crouched beside the wardrobe. I already knew it was empty, the hope I’d been clinging to shredded. But then she gripped at the skirting board next to the wardrobe and tugged hard. It groaned before giving way, revealing a small dark gap behind it.

Maeve’s arm disappeared as she reached into the space, her hand searching to the left, then twisting to the right. A rustle sounded as she frowned. Then she pulled out a plastic bag, and when she tipped it out, I could have kissed her. Esther’s phone fell out onto the floor with a clunk. The battery was long dead, but victory gripped me.

‘Thank you, Maeve.’ I scooped it up and helped her to her feet. She looked downright dejected.

‘What if she hates me?’ Her face almost pulled at my heartstrings. Almost.

‘Is helping me any worse than her leaving you to live the life she was supposed to have?’

‘I guess not.’

I left her there, surrounded by her sister’s scattered belongings as I called Ellis, already heading for my car.

‘I’ve got the phone. I’ll be with you in twenty.’

For the first time since she’d swallowed my dick, I smiled.

‘Game’s on Esther,’ I said as I slid into the driver’s seat.

I never lost.

* * *

The stenchof piss burned at my nostrils as I made my way to the door near the end. Rubbish flitted in the wind, a small tornado of old crisp packets and cigarette ends. Ellis had found the information we needed, a deleted WhatsApp message to Wee Dave himself, and after tracking where she went, we’d narrowed it to that alleyway.

Fingers crossed, we were right.

I had no idea how someone like Esther would know the forger. It’s not like she was involved in the running of the crime empire, she merely profited from the family’s involvement.

Minutes passed as I rapped at the door once, twice, three times. If he wasn’t home, I’d find a way in and wait. Either way, I’d have an answer by the end of the evening.

The door opened a crack, and a scruffy face peeped through the gap. His eyes widened enough that I could tell he knew of me, knew the jobs the McGowans sent me on. Knew it was bad news for him.

I strong armed my way in as he tried to push the door closed, and grappled with the smaller man. He slipped out of my grasp and ran toward a locked cabinet, fumbling to enter a code on the keypad.

With a sigh, I stormed him, dragging him back by his shaggy hair and slamming his body into a wall, the cabinet swinging open to reveal a bevy of weapons just a second too late for him to grab any.

‘What do you want?’ Dave said, spitting venom as I pressed his face hard into the wall.

‘Information. It would be a lot easier if you gave it up willingly.’

‘Fuck off. No-one hires a grass.’

‘No-one will hire you if you're dead either.’

His cheeks flushed as he continued his struggle.

‘Let me go.’

‘So you get another chance at your cabinet of toys? I don’t think so.’ I pulled him over to his desk, turning his computer chair around and pushing him into it.

‘Sit still,’ I said through gritted teeth as he struggled against me, head-butting my lip as the coppery tang of my blood wetted my tongue. I spat a glob of bloody spit onto his floor as I grabbed a handful of cable ties from my pocket, using them to secure his hands to the chair’s armrests. Once I similarly secured his feet to the base, I sat back, my breathing heavy.

‘You have no beef with me, there’s no need for this.’ Dave licked his dry lips and looked every bit the cornered animal.

I shucked off my jacket, placing it neatly over the edge of a sofa before slowly rolling up my shirt sleeves. ‘I have beef with you alright. Do you know Esther McGowan?’

A wrinkle crossed his brow at her name.