Page 8 of Dark Escapes

I loved a brat.

My fingers itched to put her in her place.

But she belonged to another.



I stuffed clothes willy-nilly into my large designer suitcases, not caring in the slightest what was in any of them. They were to be sent to Harold’s house in the morning ahead of our wedding day. All going well, I’d be overseas under an alias long before then. Wee Dave had come through. I’d stashed my new documents in my rucksack under the bed. Emily Reid. The new me.

There was one tiny hitch in my plan. Alec had taken up residence outside of my door the previous night and had taken up his position once more. Staying wasn’t an option. I had to find a way past him. If I tried to leave the room, he either escorted me or found someone else to.


I sat on the suitcase, trying to heave the zip closed as it strained beneath me. I had to make it look like I was all in. Like I’d accepted my fate. I’d never accept being married to Harold. I’d rather die.

Blowing my hair from my face, I tugged again the sharp edges of the zip, red indents left in my fingers, before giving up with a groan.

The clock ticked up on my wall, each second lost making me itch. I needed to be on the bus by eleven at the latest. I’d arranged an intricate pattern of different stops that would ultimately end with me at the airport for my red eye flight to southern Spain. An Uber would have been much more direct, but without the redirection I’d be far too easy to trace. Which also meant leaving behind my phone, my smart watch and anything else that contained location software. I’d already stashed them in my secret hiding place behind a loose board. Over the years, it had plenty of my secrets. Diaries full of teen angst, money, anything I didn’t want my sister to ‘borrow’. The longer it took for anyone to find anything of mine, the longer I had to disappear.

First, I needed to deal with the tall, tattooed pile of trouble dogging up my door. One of Mac’s dark hoodies waited in my wardrobe with some loose tracksuit bottoms and sturdy boots. I even acquired a cap to tuck my hair up into. With the hood pulled up, I should look a million miles from my usual quite feminine style. Alec couldn’t see my disguise clothes or it would utterly ruin the point of disguising myself. Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at myself. Our altercation had affected Alec the previous day. The hard dick in my back assured me so. He’d still turned me down, though. He needed to say yes, to give in to desire. It was imperative to my escape plan.

Trying to seduce him was only to aid my escape, I told myself. So why had his touch thrilled me so much? Yes, he was attractive, and I’d appreciated his form a few times over the years, but he was just another guy. I’d had plenty of liaisons previously and while they were fun, none had filled me with wickedly delightful thrills like I’d experienced trapped between Alec’s erection and the kitchen counter. When he’d held me by the hair, I’d practically turned to jelly. An enormous pile of lusty mush. It had been quite extraordinary. Men often felt threatened by who I was. My family name always putting me in a position with the upper hand. When Alec had treated me without the kid gloves, well, I’d be lying if I didn’t get somefeelsright between my thighs.

I pulled off my lounge pants and changed them over for some scandalously short pyjama shorts, covered in the sweetest tiny red and pink hearts. My baby pink laced bra peeked out behind the straps of the matching pyjama vest top, and I hoped he liked the cutesy look. Leaning forward, I wiggled my bra at the wired band, my tits perking up when I stood.

My lips shone as I dabbed on a touch of dark pink lip oil, not as thick as lipstick, but still giving them that sultry, just kissed appearance. A dusting of blusher to my cheeks and a swipe of mascara and I was ready. He’d better bloody fall for it. There was no plan B.

With a tremble in my breath, I counted to five before opening the door, not letting myself chicken out. It was now or never.

‘Alec,’ I said, honeying my voice and blinking out at him with my best doe-eyed look. ‘Do you think I could borrow you for a moment?’

He looked up from his phone, and a tingle gathered at the base of my spine as his eyes swept up my bare legs, pausing at the hem of my tiny shorts before making their way up my body, over my chest and at last to my face. His knuckles whitened as his fingers tensed against his phone.

‘What is it?’

‘Could you come in to help me zip up my case? I just can’t get it closed.’

He didn’t move, and I bit my lip as I foresaw my entire plan unravelling. Then he stood and slipped his phone into his pocket.

‘Yeah, but quickly. Your brothers will kick my ass if they find me in your room.’

Relief crashed into me. Phase one, complete. Now to seduce him into phase two.

‘Thanks, I’ve got so much to pack and not nearly enough suitcases. I just need a pair of strong hands.’ I hoped my look was a sultry as I intended it to be, as I pressed back against the doorframe and looked up into his face as he passed me. Nerves gripped at my belly. He was a loyal man to my family. I only hoped I could rock that loyalty long enough to get away.

It took barely two minutes for him to press down on the case and zip it up. Shit. I clearly hadn’t stuffed it nearly enough. I knelt beside him and fit a tiny padlock onto the two zips. As he stood, I caught his hand with my own.

His breath hitched as I ran my fingers over his hand and onto his thigh beyond, my nerves mingling with lust as I grazed his well muscled leg.

‘What are you doing, Esther?’ His voice was gravelly as he looked down at me. Remaining on my knees, I tried to find the courage to go through with it. The idea of seducing him wasn’t repulsive, quite the opposite, but my motives were all wrong.

‘I wanted to thank you.’

‘You don’t have to thank me.’

I slid my hands upward and to his belt, his whole body stiffening as I did. His eyes darkened as he gripped my chin and tipped my face upward, his thumb gently running over my bottom lip. There was hope. His face dripped with lust.