Page 72 of Dark Escapes

Tearing myself from the railing, I walked back into the open plan sitting room-come-kitchen. Flopping myself down on the large grey sofa and closing my eyes, only opening them when the front door clicked.

Maeve popped her head in, her face lighting up when I smiled at her.

‘Oh good, you’re still here.’

‘Where else would I be?’ I asked, joining her in the kitchen as she placed a pizza box on the counter. The spicy, cheese laden aroma had my mouth watering instantly.

‘Scaling the side of the building, escaping through a sewer, running off with a dashing knife wielding maniac. You know?’

‘Ha, funny.’ I glanced at the door that hid the teams of security behind it, before lowering my voice to a whisper. ‘Did you get it?’

‘Under the pizza,’ she mouthed back.

‘Ew.’ I screwed up my face as she lifted the lid to the pizza box.

‘You know they check my bags and pat me down every time I come in here. It was under there or up my chuff. I think that’s the lesser of two evils.’

She was right, but still.

‘Do you think it will still work?’

‘Yeah, I wrapped it in foil first. I’m not an idiot,’ Maeve said. Grabbing a slice and taking a bite, revealing the sliver of silver going poking out beneath.

I took it in trembling fingers and slipped it up my sleeve. I had seen no cameras in the apartment, but I didn’t put it past Harold to be monitoring me.

‘Bathroom?’ I said.


We locked ourselves in, flicking on the shower to add some noise over our conversation, just in case.

‘Do you really think you might be pregnant?’ she whispered as I opened the packet.

‘I’m three days late.’

‘Didn’t you use protection?’

‘We didn’t have any, and it seemed pointless. I meant to get a pill when I came home, but I had no time. I don’t want to ask Harold for some. Not until I at least know.’

‘It could just be stress,’ Maeve said, turning her back to me as I sat on the toilet and peed. Placing the cover over the end of the test, I turned it over and set it on the windowsill, swallowing hard.

‘I hope it’s just stress.’ Did I though? I certainly didn’t intend to be pregnant with one man’s baby while marrying another, but it would let me keep a little piece of Alec for myself. It was selfish and stupid, but my heart leapt at the thought.

‘Harold will make you get rid of it,’ Maeve said, sitting on the edge of the tub while I washed my hands.

‘Only if he knew about it. I don’t think it will take him long to--‘ I swallowed hard, the thought of Harold on top of me making me want to hurl. ‘To consummate the marriage. And I can hide a two or three-week discrepancy.’

We waited, side by side, as Maeve reached out and held my hand. Taking a steadying breath, I reached out and held the test up. Two lines stood out against the white, as bold as you like.

‘Fuck,’ I whispered.

‘Fuck,’ Maeve agreed. ‘I don’t know whether to hug you or cry for you.’

‘Both,’ I said as a tear fled down my cheek, a whole plethora of emotions tipping over my head. Maeve wrapped me up in her arms and the close contact broke through me anew. Within a few weeks, my whole life had been turned upside down. I went from a single woman living with my family, having barely a care, to being engaged to a monster, with another man’s baby inside of me and having felt what love could be only to have it ripped away.

‘You’ll be okay,’ Maeve said, holding me close as I sobbed into her hair.

‘I won’t.’ I sniffed as I reached for some toilet tissue, wiping at my snotty nose.