Page 59 of Dark Escapes

Scanning the room, I made a note of the security staff. There were four of them, two on the doors, one roaming, and one placed next to the private rooms. The club was pretty packed, with a mixture of single men, couples and even a few groups, two of which looked, and sounded, very much like British stag parties.

One of them was getting a little handsy with one performer, very much a no-no, but the perfect distraction for the security staff.

The woman on stage stooped to scoop up the money which the patrons had tossed on stage, flashing me a grin as she did. I only had eyes for one woman, though, and I shifted in my seat as I awaited her. Who knew how long it would take before she could wangle a spot? It was early in the night though, so the newer girls would likely be up first, making it more likely she’d find a way.

Then I saw her, at the back edge of the stage near the door, talking to the DJ, who looked absolutely smitten with her. She coiled a piece of hair around her finger as she spoke, coyly smiling at the young guy, leaning in close and whispering in his ear.

It would be a lie if I said that I wasn’t jealous at all. A wisp of envy wrapped around my chest as I watched them. I replaced it with a smirk as I scanned her body, knowing it would be beneath me soon enough. Let them pant over her, let her have her night of sticking it to her family and revelling in her sexuality. I was on tenterhooks waiting to see her dance. Did she even know how? The prim mafia princess I’d watched at arm’s lengths was so far from the woman Esther actually was. Confidence brimmed from her, mingling with the way she allowed her sexuality to ooze from her. She was sweet, and bratty, and smart. I wanted to stay in her orbit forever, needing her heat and light like she was the sun itself. My sun.

Then she was striding toward the stage, a pair of black high heels completing the outfit I’d picked out. She looked fucking incredible. She’d teased her hair into soft waves, which framed her freckled face perfectly. Her lips were a deep red that made me almost lose myself to imagining them wrapped around me, my dick blurring the edges. She’d lined her eyes in the darkest black, making the green irises pop. So fucking sexy.

She brought her full brat persona to the stage, flicking those fuck me eyes from patron to patron as the music kicked in around us. The fishnet grid of the skirt dug gently into her hips and ass, making me want to crawl up there and feel it beneath my tongue. The contrast between her soft skin and the harsh nylon would be perfect.

Then she was moving, her body twisting to the music. When she dropped to her knees and flicked her head up, sending her hair cascading down her back, I was already back to full attention. I split my time between watching her and watching the others watch her. They were already baying for fresh blood, a new girl to fantasise over.

Arching her hips as she gasped, her chest raising with each little pant, she was sex on fishnet covered legs. When she reached up and tore the fishnet top, biting her lower lip and making eye contact with the older man, she breached their walls. They cascaded notes at her; the floor littering with them. She crawled toward me, eyes on mine, and I added the last of the money I had, our bus fare to Barcelona, to the other offerings. I leant forward and slid the notes into the waistband of the fishnet skirt, muttering a low good girl to her. Her pupils dilated as she heard me, her tongue darting out to lick her lips. Esther looked like she was in heaven, enjoying every second of having all eyes on her. She tore the skirt from behind, her round ass looking perfectly biteable as she did. When she slipped her bra off, the stag party cheered, sending her cheeks the most glorious shade of red. Her nipples were hard as she brushed her fingers down over them as she danced. She seemed to be thirty seconds short of slipping her fingers into her thong and fucking herself right there when the music came to its crescendo.

The crowd was wild, lust heavy in the air around us as people pressed closer to the stage, men taking the chance to shove note after note into the paltry amount of clothing she had left.

When the music ended she stood there, revelling in the attention for a moment, cheeks aflame but eyes sparking in delight. Then she stooped to gather up the piles of notes scattered around the stage. To my surprise, pride swelled in my chest as I watched her up there, claiming something for herself in the world that restricted her so much. Her family would go fucking ape shit if they knew she liked to strip, not even for the money, but because it got her revved up. Not that I’d ever let her secret be known. It was ours now.

I stood as she alighted from the stage.

‘Meet you in the alley out back,’ she whispered as she passed me, arms full of notes. I watched her head toward the door and froze as one of the stag party blocked her way.

‘I want a private dance, luv,’ he slurred, his eyes unable to fully focus.

‘No, thank you,’ she said, her voice reaching me as I sidled closer to them.

‘You’ve got no choice. I’ve got the money and I want those tits in my face.’

‘I said no.’ Esther went to move past him, and he reached out and grasped a nipple hard between his fingers.

She yelped and tried to pull away, only making him smirk as he dug his fingers into her flesh even harder. There wasn’t the time to wait for security to see amongst the crowd of people.

Within two steps I was on him, my fingers gripping into his throat and entirely cutting off his air supply. He let go of Esther, who took one look at the situation and scurried off toward the back room to gather her things.

I pushed the drunken idiot backwards until I sandwiched him between the wall and myself, his face turning a delightful shade of puce as he sputtered desperately.

‘What gives you the fucking right to touch her?’ I asked, my voice hard. I let him have enough air to reply while keeping him pinned in place.

‘Fuck off. What are you, a fucking white knight? She’s a whore. Who cares?’

‘I care.’

His nose crunched as I punched him, my fist aching from the collision with it. Blood spurted out of him as he crumpled.

‘You broke my fucking nose!’ he wailed through the torrent of blood as I turned to walk away. He was lucky there were too many witnesses for my trusty knife to make an appearance.

His friends crowded round, looking like they’d make trouble, but made way when I didn’t give any leeway. I’d learned as a kid that the cat’s defence mechanism would do me well. It didn’t matter how big the other guy was, if you still went in claws a-blazing and looking crazed, the others would soon back down. Most of the time. When intimidation doesn’t work, a lot of enemies lose their muster.

I’d almost made it out of the front door when a hand gripped my shoulder. I twisted, ready to deal with whoever it was. I came face to face with a security guard who said something in Spanish.

‘English,’ I said between my teeth.

‘Ah, yes. I wanted to say sorry. One of my guys should have been there to get in between them. We take safety of the girls important here.’

My shoulders relaxed as I smiled at him. ‘No worries, mate.’