Page 50 of Dark Escapes

Food. Finally. My stomach somersaulted as the smells wafted into the room.

Alec thanked the man and took the tray to the bed, setting it down as I leaned over to inspect our feast. The burgers looked cheap and greasy, the fries about drowning in fat. I had never been more excited to shove something in my face.

The fries were salty, greasy, and fucking delicious. ‘Oh, my god.’

Alec joined me, watching me practically drool as I gulped down the food, not holding back in the slightest, each bite calming my angry stomach.

‘Slow down, you’ll give yourself a bellyache.’

‘Sorry,’ I mumbled through a mouthful of burger. ‘Not very ladylike.’

‘I don’t give to shits about ladylike. I just don’t want you to puke it all up again afterward from inhaling it too fast.’

I slowed down, taking my time to savour the burger. It may have looked like someone had assembled it in the dark, but it really was delicious.

We ate silently, listening to pop songs and filling our tummies until they were near bursting.

When there wasn’t a single fry left, I put the tray outside of the door before slumping back on the bed, finally satisfied.

‘Take your towel off and get your ass in the bed,’ Alec said, draping his over the back of the chair and giving me a delightful view of his rounded ass. I lifted my eyebrows as he smiled and shook his head. ‘Not for that.’

I pouted as he climbed into the bed, slipping under the covers and obstructing my view of him. Two could play at that game. I walked over to the chair, my back to Alec as I slowly dropped the towel, my damp hair tickling at my spine as I let the towel fall to the floor.

‘Oops,’ I said, bending at the waist to pick the towel up, taking my time to give him a full view of my behind as I did.

‘You’ll end up going to bed with a hot arse if you keep that up,’ Alec growled behind me, bringing a smirk to my lips.

‘Promises, promises.’

I laid the towel on the chair before taking a seat and facing him, spreading my thighs. He swallowed visibly as I pressed my fingers against myself, moaning softly. It was by far the most brazen thing I’d ever done, and the way his eyes darkened made me squirm.

‘You are being a brat.’

‘I am. What are you going to do about it?’

Alec was on his feet before I could take another breath, lifting me to the bed and throwing me over it, one of my legs on either side of the bottom corner, spreading me wide. One hand tangled in my hair, holding me firm and pressing my face into the bedcovers. He laid a series of harsh slaps across my ass, making me cry out and writhe with each smack. Warmth emanated from my ass, each sharp smack making me wetter.

But then he stopped. Running a hand over my heated arse as I whimpered.

‘You want me to touch your wet little cunt, don’t you?’

‘Yes. Please?’

‘Not tonight, Princess. Brats don’t get rewards. If you go to sleep like a good girl, I’ll make it worth your while in the morning. I fully intend to have you for breakfast.’

I turned when he released my hair, fully frustrated, only to be met with his firm, fat cock. I leant forward and licked my way up its length, meeting his eyes as he groaned. Taking the head into my mouth and running my tongue along the flared head, I held his gaze. His fingers trembled as he fought against the feeling.

‘No. We both need rest.’ He pulled me off of him and threw me into the bed, sliding in beside me and tucking me against his chest, his hand pinning my wrists and his arm trapping me against him. His cock sat proud against my ass and I tried to wriggle against him, his cock sliding against my wet folds.

‘Enough, don’t make me cable tie your thighs together. I love you so needy for me, but I am going to make you wait until morning. I want you fresh and rested when I finally taste your pussy. You’ll need your energy for what I have planned for you.’

I pouted against the pillow as his hardness drove me mad. But a yawn stole over me. He was right; I was tired. Tired and horny and with a hot arse to boot.

Giving into sleep was my best option, because I desperately wanted to feel him between my thighs and see if he could live up to his promises.

With his cock nestled between my legs, I gave in and let sleep take me.