Page 32 of Dark Escapes

He clenched his teeth as he followed where I pointed before he nodded tersely. ‘Fine. Be quick. We’re already cutting it fine for making it to the airport.’

I picked my way over the dry grass toward the tree and smirked to myself. We’d be a hell of a lot later, soon.

The tree was close enough to the water’s edge that I’d only need to dash down a few steps and launch the phone. I considered just running down and doing it quickly, not caring if he saw, but I needed him not to realise until I got back to the car at the earliest.

I turned around and shouted back to him, ‘I’m going to wash my hands in the river after, is that okay?’

‘If you like.’ Came the reply, and I had to stop myself from squealing with glee.

It was working!

He’d regret trying to drag me back to Glasgow.



The car’s exterior was warm against my back, where the sun had heated it. The countdown was on to get to the airport, and every minor delay was making me antsy. I shifted from foot to foot while keeping my eyes fixed on Esther.

Trusting her not to run was playing on me. When had I become so soft? Prisoners were prisoners, no matter how much they turned on the charm. I hated to admit it, but she was carving a soft spot inside of me as easily as she could punch one into a peach. It was stupid. Even if she wasn’t running from a shit marriage to an awful person, she would never pick me. Esther was rich, beautiful, and apart from the mafia rules, could do what she liked.

Undoing another button on my shirt, I shifted as Esther momentarily ducked out of view. Tension infused my thighs as I stood up from my place against the car, ready to go after her if she dared to run. But she didn’t.

Before I could take a step, she was walking toward me, those full hips dipping with each step as she wiped wet hands against her jeans. Her dark hair floated in the breeze, glittering under the high sun, and as she came closer, each of her perfect little freckles came into view.

What I’d do to have all the drama back home disappear. To be on the side of a road with a beautiful girl, the sun shining on me and nowhere to be, no-one to answer too.

That life wasn’t for me, though.

Maybe I’d reward myself with a holiday after I paid the house off. Go somewhere where people don’t give a shit if you’re a loner.

‘Thanks,’ Esther said as she came up to me with a saccharine smile. Like butter wouldn’t melt. ‘Needed that.’

She kept flicking her eyes to the car behind me, looking more nervous than I’d expected. What had her so antsy?

‘No worries. We should get back on the road.’

‘Wait--‘ Before I could breathe, she was up against me, my pulse quickening as she blinked up at me with those Bambi-like eyes. ‘I want to thank you properly.’

‘It’s fine.’ Every muscle in me quivered as I tried to ignore the honey-like promise her voice held. I turned to open her door, but froze when her fingers slid down my back, grazing over the muscles and leaving me numb in their wake. The intimacy of it sent my brain into meltdown. How long had it been since someone had touched me gently? Fuck, I had no idea.

‘Esther.’ I couldn’t decide if her name was an invitation or an admonishment. Was she interested, or was it another delaying tactic?

‘You are always so tense,’ she murmured, smoothing her fingers over the knots in my neck and then slipping her hands down the length of my spine. I closed my eyes as goose pimples adorned my arms.

‘I’ve always got a good reason to be tense.’

‘Yes,‘ she said. ‘I know.’

Her answer was odd, but her warm hands on me were far too heavenly to ignore. What would she do if I turned and gathered her up in my arms? Would she let me kiss her? Would her tongue be eager and wanting, or would she reject me? Would she come apart under my fingers or was is just another way to delay the inevitable?

But then there was nothing but air behind me. I turned as she slipped away from me. Then I heard the familiar click of my knife. The little fucker had robbed me. And now she was armed. She held the knife in her fist, my eyes darting between the gleaming blade and her face.

‘Are you going to stab me?’ I said, narrowing my eyes at her. Pain danced in my chest as I realised it had all been a ruse again.

‘No. I’m going to stab this.’

Before I could reach her, she stabbed my knife sharply into the tyre, leaving it embedded deep into the rubber.