Page 31 of Dark Escapes

‘When you stop fighting, you can be delightful,’ he muttered, bringing out the rice dish and offering me it from his fingers.

I should have fought it, or felt disgusted, but we’d moved beyond just eating to something that left me wanting to see him smile with those blown pupils fixed on me. There was something addictive about being looked at the way he fixated on me. I hadn’t ever had anyone look at me with such rapturous attention before, and it was making me feel dangerous things. Making me want to climb up in his lap and lick the food from his lips. Making me want to know what it would be like to be under that gaze with less space between us, fewer clothes between us. Have him call me a good girl again...

‘So pretty,’ he mumbled as he dragged a thumb over my lower lip, wiping away an errant piece of rice and tucking it into my mouth as I captured the thumb between my lips. ‘But so much trouble.’

With that, I caught myself and shook myself from the lusty little trance I’d given in to. What the fuck was I doing? Alec was dragging me home. Would have me delivered to Harold by the morning. I was reading far too much into a look. He was just a horny guy taking advantage of a situation. He was an ass for keeping me tied up. I could bloody well feed myself.

I sat back and stared out of the window, clearing my throat and breaking the moment. ‘We should get going.’

‘Eager to go home? Does that mean you are going to stop fighting me?’

‘Yeah. I give up.’

‘Good. Because you will not get away from me again.’

A whisper of need gripped at me with his words, imagining he said them because he wanted to keep me. Imagining a man wanting me so badly, he’d do anything to keep me.

But I had that in Harold. Unfortunately, it wasn’t love making him crazy for me; it was power, revenge and a need for control.

The scenery soon sped by as we hit the road again, heading far too quickly toward Barcelona. I hoped he believed me when I said that I gave up.

It would make it easier for the next part of my plan to go smoothly.

* * *

Forty-five minutes had passedbefore we reached the perfect spot alongside a quickly flowing river that had trees interspersed near the shoreline. Open enough that Alec might let me go down to the tree on my own to wee.

His phone still sat in the centre console, and I itched to grab it and run. Slowly, Esther, you need to do it slowly.

‘Alec,’ I asked, keeping my voice soft and unhurried, ‘I need to pee.’

‘The next village is only a couple of miles away. Just wait and I’ll find a rest stop.’

I moved in my seat as though I was getting desperate. ‘I can’t wait that long.’

‘You can.’

‘I really don’t want to sit in a puddle of piss for the next few hours. The car would stink.’

Holding a breath, I waited as he scanned the view outside. I blinked through wide eyes when he looked at me and attempted to employ my very best poor little lamb face. It was becoming obvious that he enjoyed being dominant in some form, and enjoyed the sweet sub thing, so I worked to amp it up.

‘Please, Alec?’ I wheedled, shifting in my seat and pressing my bound hands between my thighs. Satisfaction rushed through me as I saw the exact moment he caved. His shoulders dropped, and he ran a hand through his hair with a sigh.

‘Fine. But make it quick and don’t start any funny business.’

‘Thank you.’

He pulled the car into the side of the road and got out, coming round the back to open my door. With my stomach in my mouth, I quickly grabbed his phone and slipped it into the waistband of my jeans. My heart thundered as my door opened, hoping he didn’t look for his phone. He cut me from the ties that held me to my seatbelt.

‘Can you do these too? So I can pull down my jeans myself?’ I held out my hands.

Alec looked around once more, clearly deciding we were far enough from anywhere I could successfully outrun him. I was no cross-country runner. Speed was not on my side.

‘Fine, but try to run and I will use so many cable ties you won’t be able to move, and next time, I’ll let you sit in your piss.’

I could have cried when the knife split the ties, freedom feeling that bit closer. Rubbing at the pressure marks they left, I smiled up at him, getting myself out of the car.

‘Thanks,’ I said, touching his arm gently and trying to keep my cool while it felt like his phone was burning my waist. With every second, I was sure he’d discover what I was up to. ‘I’m just going to go over behind that tree there.’