Page 25 of Dark Escapes

‘You killed them.’ The accusation stung as she battered at my face with clawed fists.

‘No, I didn’t. The old fucker was shooting at me.’

Shock ripped at me as she let out a full, throaty, somewhat demented laugh. ‘I wish they’d hit you.’

Her skin was warm as I yanked both hands in front of her and secured them together with three cable ties, one around each wrist and then one tying them together. Her eyes flashed dangerously as I pushed her back against a wall, holding her secured hands above her head.

Anger mixed with heat as she looked up at me with hatred in those big green eyes. Nothing like a tied up hottie panting to get me going. Her chest rose and fell as we stood there for a moment, catching our breath.

‘This turn you on you sick fuck?’ she whispered, ire dripping from her voice.

‘Maybe it does. Thinking of you with your hands tied and your lips on my dick does.’ It was a bad idea to go there, but the last time I’d seen her still flashed into my head while looking down into her freckled face.

‘You can’t touch me. You know it.’

‘Who says I’d be the one doing the touching? Plus, no-one said I had to return you in one piece. A few gun holes, knife marks or filled with my fucking cum. No-one cares as long as I hand you over to him in the next few days.’

I saw it hit her; her face crumpling as a tear tracked down her cheek. Good. I wanted her too fucking scared to try anymore of this shit. She was exhausting.

‘Now we’re going to walk down this hill and get into my car and drive to Barcelona to get your ass home as soon as possible. If you fight, I will come down harder on you.’

‘I’m not afraid of you.’

‘You should be.’

‘Why Barcelona? Madrid is closer.’

‘Because I can get you on a flight tomorrow night in Barcelona and I don’t want to waste one more fucking minute than necessary on you.’

I turned her and gripped her arm, digging my fingers in so she didn’t doubt my hold on her. The bruises on her face still filled me with a rage that I had no business feeling.

She stumbled as I quickened our pace, wanting to get her secured in my car as quickly as possible. A few locals raised an eye at us as we made our way down the hill and toward the edge of the village, but no-one interfered. Thank god. I was too exhausted to fight them all.

As we approached the car, some hooded guy was jimmying the window.

‘Hey,’ I shouted, startling him as he met my eyes.

That’s when I felt Esther stiffen next to me. I looked at her as the man backed up a step.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘I think...’ Her face had turned ashen as she stared at the man. ‘I think he’s the one who attacked me. I bit his hand...’

I walked toward the car, clicking it unlocked with the fob before roughly shoving her into the passenger seat. The guy took off at a run. I locked her in before heading after him. It was stupid. I should have let him go. But if he hurt her, well fuck, I saw red.

He didn’t stand a chance. With pure rage fuelling my steps, I caught him quickly, not understanding a word of the Spanish he threw at me.

Esther’s eyes were saucer wide through the windscreen as I turned the guy around and made him face her, my knife at his back.

I reached down and pulled his hand up, seeing a dirty bandage covering his palm. The fucker had better hope he’d had an accident with a kitchen knife. With a yank it came off, fluttering down onto the bonnet of my car. I grabbed his wrist and held it up to the soft glow of a nearby streetlight. A perfect round set of teeth-marks blazed against his skin, infection setting with raised red and yellowing pus in at one edge.

Every muscle in me tensed as I twisted his hand painfully and held it up for Esther to see. She nodded softly, and it ripped a hole in me to think of his hands hurting her. Pinning her and brutalising her. Sure, I was no hero, but jumping on random girls in the street was deplorable. Especially Esther. I might be furious at her, but I was going to let that fucker feel the full force of my wrath.

He struggled against me as I lifted my knife to his face, dragging it down over his jaw, feeling it slip through his skin as though he were a soft fruit. The squeal he let out paid for the bruises he’d left on her jawline. The tears as I slit the sides of his mouth were for the broken lips he’d given her with his fists.

Esther was pale and still as she watched the blood splatter down on the silver bonnet of the car. When I slipped my sweet, sharp knife to his throat, he wet himself. They so often did. His voice was a babble of pleading. You didn’t need to understand someone’s words to know when they’d reached the pleading for their life stage.

His body stiffened as I severed the artery in his neck, letting his life force leak out as Esther watched. She didn’t revel in his death. She looked sickened.