Page 2 of Dark Escapes

‘Harold always wanted Mum, but she chose Dad. You look a lot like Mum did at your age, and he’s a sick bastard. This way punishes Dad in a way that will hurt him the most.’

‘I think it will hurt me more.’

* * *

I lay in my bed,my heavy curtains blocking out the light that taunted me from outside. Groaning, I pulled the duvet back over my head and tunnelled back under. There was no room in my world for light at that moment. The air under the duvet became hot and stifling as the minutes passed, yet I remained buried. Maybe I could suffocate myself. At least I wouldn’t have to marry Harold.

My door clicked open and shut, but I remained unmoved, ignoring it entirely. A weight at my side made the bed shift beneath me before a set of light fingers found my hair, stroking softly.

‘You can’t stay in here forever,’ Maeve said, muffled as she was through the duvet.

‘I can.’

‘Your room stinks. It’s gross.’

‘What’s the point?’ I said as she pulled the covers back enough to reveal my face, her expression soft as she swept my greasy hair from my eyes.

‘You can’t let them win. Come on, I’ve never seen you like this. Everyone is worried about you. It’s been days, Esther.’

‘Good. They should be worried. There is absolutely no way I’m marrying him.’

Maeve lay down beside me and rested her arm over my waist, pulling me in close, very much taking on my big sister role rather than her usual one as the baby of the family.

‘I wish I could help,’ she whispered against the duvet.

‘I know. What can I do?’

‘Could you run away?’

‘He’d find me. I’d have to disappear forever. I’m not even sure that’s possible these days. Harold wouldn’t quit until he dragged me back here.’ The idea of disappearing sent a small flicker of hope in my chest. Could I do it? What about Maeve? Would he try to take her instead? That doused any hope with a cold dose of reality. But she was so much younger than me, Dad would never give up the baby, would he?

‘I know a guy who can get you a false name. Wee Dave from school. Do you remember him?’

‘Kind of...’

‘Remember how he’d always get us fake ID’s to get into clubs? Well, he’s gone legit. Well, not like legally legit, but he does the big stuff now. New names, passports, national insurance numbers, the lot.’

Rolling toward my sister, I searched her face. Did she really think I could just go? Everyone who meant anything to me was under our roof. Sure, I’d miss my friends, but I’d give them up to avoid Harold. My family? That was different.

‘I don’t think I could live without you all.’

‘He’d move on after a while. We’d find a way to get in touch and see each other.’ Maeve pulled me tighter to her. ‘God, he’s such a cockwomble.’

‘I think that’s putting it lightly,’ I said.

‘You’re right. He’s a grade-A fuck bucket. A downright piece of shit ridden bollocks. I’d kill him if I could.’

A giggle escaped me before I knew it was even inside of me. I kissed Maeve’s cheek. ‘I love you so much.’

‘I love you too, but fuck, your breath doesn’t half reek. We need to get you in the shower and within twenty feet of your toothbrush.’

‘Oi!’ I laughed and whacked her with a pillow.

A sharp knock on the door had us both jumping.

‘Who is it?’

Alec popped his head around the door and I dove back under the duvet.Fuck. I did not need him seeing the absolute mess I was. Damn, he was a tall glass of deliciousness. Terribly wrong for me, and I half wondered if I held a bit of a flame for him because he was entirely wrong for me. I’d always known I’d marry into another wealthy family, likely the son of a crime boss. But Alec wasn’t from a wealthy family, no he’d come in from the bottom of the business and worked his way up. Largely, he did so by hunting down people on the run or torturing details out of others. Half bounty hunter, half intimidator. One hundred percent a tall tattooed dishy motherfucker. Big hands, crystal blue eyes and a body to tie for.