Page 11 of Dark Escapes

‘How the fuck did she get past you?’ Malcolm’s face was beet red as his voice tore through the room.

‘I had to use the bathroom.’ It was the best excuse I had.

‘You had scheduled breaks where someone else would take over. You couldn’t hold it in?’

I tensed my fingers into a fist, furious at Esther. She’d used me and deceived me. For a moment, I had believed that there had been some sort of attraction on her side too. Yet again, the desperate little boy inside of me had seen affection and lost himself to it. How had I still not learned that no matter the circumstance, it would always end up with me being fucking shat on by others?

‘Sorry. It was a stupid mistake. I didn’t think she would notice me gone for the few minutes, and figured that we were trying to keep her safe, not locked up.’

Malcolm slammed his hands down onto the table, the heavy wood juddering beneath his anger. ‘Harold is going to rip you a fucking new one.’

‘I’ll find her,’ I said, steeling my voice with more confidence that I had. Showing weakness was never an option in front of those guys. They’d have me strung up by my guts at the first sign of it.

‘You’d better. Because if you don’t, you’ll be the one feeling Harold’s ire. I won’t hesitate to turn you over to him and his son. You’ll be sent home in chunks.’

Malcolm stormed out, swiftly followed by Maeve. I’d have to grill her later. The way her eyes dove away from my face made me instantly suspicious. The two of them were close enough that she might know where Esther would have gone.

Her passport had been in her room, but her phone was gone. Her suitcases remained. I hoped that meant she’d just run off to a bar to drown her sorrows. I’d already sent out some guys to canvas the local area.

Logan breathed through his teeth in a low whistle. ‘Didn’t think she had it in her to run off. Let’s hope she sees sense and is back by morning.’

Mac laughed and shook his head. ‘She won’t go far. She’d miss the family too much. But I respect her for trying. I’d flee if I had to marry that fucker too.’

‘It’s not funny,’ I said. I couldn’t explain the fact she must have planned it, that it wasn’t a coincidence she’d left while I was in the bathroom. She’d put me there by spitting my cum all over my trousers. If I found her, I’d make her pay for that.

Ewen rubbed a hand over his face. ‘Find her Alec. Dad might be furious, but I can pay you well to do what you best. We need her back. In one piece.’

Most of the targets they required me to get could lose a few pieces without it being a problem.

‘How much?’

‘It depends how far she’s gone. If she’s at the pub, I’ll throw you a fifty. If she proves harder to track down, whatever you want to bring her back.’

I swallowed hard. It was my fault she was gone, but if she had planned this out, she might be hard to track down. They would need me.

‘Ninety thousand.’ The words left my lips before I could consider how outlandish a number it was.

‘You bring her back and it’s yours,’ Ewen said without a moment’s hesitation.

Sometimes I forgot how such a huge number to me was like pocket change to them. It would pay off what remained on my mortgage. The house would be all mine. I’d be able to be more selective about the jobs I wanted to take. Financial freedom.

Just the issue of trapping Esther.

An image of her lips wrapped around my length thrust into my head, her perfectly freckled nose, and those big green eyes. Her lips flaring as she took more, as she licked and sucked like such a good girl.

But she wasn’t a good girl.

And I’d drag her back to Harold’s feet and leave her there gladly, for trying to fuck with me.

She could have cost me my job. Shit, she could have cost me my life if the McGowan’s didn’t need me to locate her.

I’d bring her back kicking and screaming, if necessary.



Spanish sun warmed my body from head to toe as I luxuriated next to the small pool at the quaint little hotel I’d found. It had been almost a week since my escape from the wedding, and instead of being crushed by Harold’s rule, I was free. For the first time in my life, I had no-one tailing me, no-one telling me where to be or how to behave. No expectations of me.