Page 60 of Tricked By Fate

I was already running towards the house in the center of the overgrown field.

“Kiara, wait. Don’t go in there.”

I didn’t care what Rife said; I needed to see what had become of this place. I remembered some things. I remember my mother’s voice as she sang to me at night, but only ever one song. She’d died so young. I remember running around in a meadow of white flowers and the spring. There was a natural spring pond nearby that I’d learn to swim in. There had been life here.

“Wait, Kiara. Stop. This place has been deserted for years. You don’t know what rogues might have taken over.”

I ignored his protests.

“What rogues would settle in a graveyard if what you say is true?”

He screamed at me.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell was wrong with him?

“If you are from here, if we’re from the same pack, why were you with Cripple Creek?”

He snarled and caught up with me.

“What do you mean, why was I with them? What part of you were avenged did you not get?”

I faltered at the front steps of a now decaying porch. Once it had been white and simple. It had been whole. This place had once had life.

“Avenged? I was sold.”

The stoop creaked, but I took it slow, checking for rot.

“Sold yes, but your mate came for you. I remember it like it was yesterday. Your step-mother wanted you gone. Just ask your mate.”

My mate? The next step creaked, and I fell as it cracked.

“Fuck me. Be careful.”

Rife grabbed at my arm and pulled me up.

“Is this what you needed to see? Can we go now? Can you go and tell your mate that we are fine? The ones that needed to be dealt with have been. Or at least, I assume, since they never came back. Good riddance.”

I heard his words but I just couldn’t understand. I just wanted to know that I had once been here. I had once belonged somewhere.

You do belong somewhere.

Devon’s words woke me from my trance.

Stop invading my head.

I nearly shouted at him, but he was right. I did. I belonged somewhere and I should stop trying to find who I once was. But I’d come this far.

“Fine. Go in. But if you fall through the floor or someone attacks you? Well, fuck me. Tell your mate it wasn’t my fucking fault. I just did as you asked.”

I nodded, but it wasn’t him that I cared much for at the moment. The door hung off its hinges and leaves rotted along the wood.

It smelled old, musty, abandoned.

Kiara, stop.

I didn’t. One more step. Then another. Every step brought me a new memory. Running through the halls. Small pups running and screaming. The smell of the stew. It wasn’t the Cripple Creek stew; it was this pack.