Page 30 of Tricked By Fate

I forced myself to see her, my wolf. She was there waiting for me, ready to break free and run. I imagined her taking over and released her from the hold of my soul.

Well done, Kiara.

I opened my eyes and saw the world from down on all fours. The trees taller, the ground closer, and every hair on my body tickled with the breeze.

Come, Kiara.

Devon’s wolf nuzzled my wolf. He twisted and turned and nipped at my side.

I have a surprise.

Devon sprinted into the field, and I took after him. The power within my wolf catching him with ease. The trees swallowed us, making the already dark evening even darker. My wolf didn’t slow. We listened to the night, the sounds of birds sleeping, owls hunting, and my mate.

Devon glanced my way, and my wolf gave a growl of appreciation of him.

Do you hear that?

I focused on what was around us and tried to hear what Devon was pointing out. Trees rustled and leaves crunched under my steps. I sniffed the air and realized what had changed.


His wolf slowed, and I matched his new pace. His wolf’s tongue lulled out the side of his mouth as they trotted into a clearing of rock and moss and waterfall. It was one of those small hidden gems of waterfalls I’d heard about. No eighth wonder of the world, but it was none the less the only one I’d ever seen. Finally, stories of their beauty and the calm made sense.

A hand ran through my fur and my wolf practically purred as I looked up into my mate’s human form.

She rolled on her belly for Devon, and he obliged my wolf for a moment longer before I could push her back and change into my human form.

The run hadn’t taken long, but I never would have known this was out here.

My body twisted and turned until I lay on the rocky shores, naked. Devon reached out a hand for me and I took it. Looking up into the smile that captivated me, it reminded me of the boy. The boy he’d been that night. Maybe this is why I couldn’t stay mad at him. He’d been young and idealistic. Hadn’t I been as well? Thinking I could have him and everything my pack couldn’t dream to promise?

“You are an answer to a dream, Kiara.”

I let him pull me into him as I stood.

“What do you think?”

The sound of the gentle fall of the water seemed to be able to push aside everything else in this world. The sound wasn’t deafening, but more like a white nose that made this seem like a world away.

“I’ve never seen anything like this. My old pack lands were nothing like this.”

I turned back to him and raised my palm to cup his cheek.

“They had nothing like you,” I said.

He pushed into my hand, a wolf-like move to nuzzle into me.

“I would hope not. There was only ever one fated mate for me. I would never have been able to mate for duty and I know that now.”

His hand slid down the length of my back, stopping at the base of my spine.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know who you were sooner,” I said.

He shook his head.

“It would have made what I had to figure out harder. I can’t keep my hands off of you as it is.”

That made me smile. He wasn’t wrong.