Page 2 of Tricked By Fate

Heavy breathing, more movement, a few more bumps, and then a sob of pain from Nessa, and then the feel of a body next to me.

“Dumb, bitch.”

Someone laughed.

“Should be quieter now. She should have thought twice. Like any female is worth bargaining.” I didn’t move.

“Lucian will be happy to have two females with alpha blood.”

I swallowed.

“That one though? She’s already mated. Lowers her price.”

My heart skittered, and I forced myself to focus on my connection to Devon.

Devon, please hurry.

The strings of the bond tugged and pulsed alive.

Kiara.Thank the goddess.

I prayed the assholes on the truck weren’t paying attention as my heart rate spiked and slowed just to beat with hope.

Please come get me.

I waited and listened back at the conversation, praying they said something useful.

“I just got a text. There will be an auction in two days. Too many females and too many council packs sniffing around.”


I’m here. You can’t see me, but I’m here. I will find a way to get to you.

A tear slid down my cheek unbidden and I wasn’t clear if it was happiness or fear. I was a loose ball of yarn, unravelling from one point and knotted in another.

There’s an auction.

He was quiet for too long and the only thing that kept me from losing my mind was the feeling of our connection alive and strong.

There are too many on that truck. But I’m here Kiara, and I will not lose you again.

Chains rattled as the truck jolted to a stop. Every step, every shift, every thud, had my attention and my wolf on high alert. The silver in the net made me even more tired and the pounding in my head got worse with every shift.

There are at least four people moving around me. The breathing of the body next to me was what had me unnerved because it was Nessa. She thought she was safe and yet she was now my bestie.

I sniffed the air, hoping for the calming scent of my mate, and came up with a waft of diesel and dirt. Hands grabbed the net, and it was the first time I could breathe a sigh of relief. My entire body breathed in at the loss of the oppressive weight.

I just needed to get through this, but instead I yelped as someone grabbed my sore body and tossed me over their shoulder.

“Awake, are we?”

I whimpered, but it’s too late. He’s already seen and heard me.

I tried not to move, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. Squeezing my eyes shut does nothing.

“Sweetheart, you should have stayed asleep,” the male said as he flipped my body back onto the bed of the truck.

I squirm even if my entire body protests. No, my head. Every movement feels like I’m swimming and my brain is five strokes behind.