Page 12 of Tricked By Fate

She didn’t respond right away, but I could feel the spike of her heart. Either she was afraid for me or afraid of something else. I didn’t like the idea of something else. I jumped up at the exposed beams over me and pulled myself up to the balcony above. My claws came out in time, allowing me to dig into the rotting cheap wood. No one noticed me as I moved from the balcony over to a walkway. The wolves here all smelled different. No one was going to pick out another smell at least. Not unless they were looking. And they weren’t.

The spot I’d chosen had been mostly obscured behind the cement building holding my mate, but still. This whole operation was confusing. No one was on high alert. And maybe that would be what I could use for our advantage later.

I slunk quietly around what must have been the living quarters. Anger that we’d missed this surged through me again. How could we have allowed this?

How the fuck had we missed this? I knew exactly how. I wouldn’t have come this way had it not been for my mate. I could feel her inside of me and it pulled me. My pack never would have found it without the link to me.

A few more feet and I knelt down at the overhang that looked directly into the bathhouse, or whatever this was. Fuck these perverts. The women down there all looked terrified. Some of them were in a pool looking space, a bath, I supposed. Others cowered up near the wall as two others milled around, handing out fabric. The two women disappeared into another room that was enclosed, unlike this space that was basically surrounded by cement with a tile roof with a hole and bars.

Ingenious way to allow light in and the perverts. Yet most of them were down there talking and guarding.

Scanning every face and body that I could see but I wasn’t finding what I wanted. Fuck. Where was my mate?

I scanned the space again and again.

Come to the center, where I can see you.

I heard a door shut and then I saw her as she moved into my view, and my heart stuttered.

Here I am. Where are you?

The wood I clung to splinted as I watched her. Naked. Vulnerable. Mine.

I peeked over the railing.

Is there space behind the building?

She shrugged and still didn’t see me.

Yes, I suppose if a hole with tall walls is space. I have buckets to fill, so do whatever you want.

I watched her start to walk away from the open space of the room, skirting the pool towards where I was. I watched someone stop her and hand her a bucket. It was then that I noticed several more buckets clutched in her hands.

She pointed and said something to which the other woman scowled and nodded.

There are guards everywhere. The bitch that is in charge said I can go get fresh water but one step in the wrong direction and there was no protecting me.

I watched her move out of my sight. My nose followed her scent, and I took my chance. The sky grew darker with every passing moment, and that was when I took my chance to move over the ledge where I could hear water running.

I’m filling more buckets.

I smirked at her words. I knew where she was finally. I shook off the concern of everything we’d done wrong and crept over the rickety little banister and held on until I sunk my claws into the wood and climbed under. I was over the small space behind the bathhouse and there she was.

I dropped down. Kiara jumped as I wrapped my hand over her mouth and landed behind her unexpectedly. The bucket clattered, and I froze.

Had anyone heard her?

I smiled. She whisper shouted at me, but all I could feel was her against me. Safe.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked. I spun her in my arms and held her. She tried to pull away to yell at me, so I placed my finger over her lips and pushed her against the wall.

Don’t speak, there are at least fifty morons all around this place.

She popped her hip and glared.

And you made it here how and why?

I studied her face for any new bruises and when I found none, just her spicy glare, my wolf took control and crushed my lips to hers.