Page 109 of Restrain Me

Max links his fingers with mine and just stares at me as the plane takes off.

I wait.

And I wait some more.

When I can’t stand it any longer, I say, “Ask the question already.”

A serious expression tightens his features, and my heart sets off at a crazy pace.

Max takes a deep breath, and when worry creeps into his eyes, anxiety pours into my heart.

“The gunshot wound on your back…”

“Oh. Dear God,” I let out a relieved chuckle. “I thought it was going to be something bad.”

The gunshot wound.

I never told Max what happened.

My heartbeat slows down as I think about one of the darkest times in my life.

I shift in my seat. “It happened when I was seventeen.”

It looks like Max wants to say something, but I shake my head. “I kind of have to get it all out in one go. It’s difficult for me to talk about, so it would be great if you could just listen until I’m done.”

He nods and grips my hand tighter.

“So…” I draw my bottom lip between my teeth as I try to think of how to word it. “I had depression, and honestly, I can’t even remember why. It gradually crept up on me and dragged me down into a dark hole.”

Not able to keep looking at Max, I lower my gaze to our joint hands.

“Anyway, I got involved with this guy, Alain Barnard. Papa disapproved of him, but I didn’t listen.” I let out a bitter chuckle. “I thought I was in love.”

I take a deep breath, but it doesn’t help. The regret of the stupidest thing I’ve ever done weighs heavy on my heart.

“He took me to his house, and once we were there, his demeanor changed. Turns out I let myself get kidnapped for ransom.” Jesus, was I gullible back then.“Alain and his father wanted to make a recording of me where I had to tell my father to pay twenty million euros. I overheard them saying they were going to have to kill me after they got the money from my father. I panicked and started fighting. I just kept thinking I had to get out of there.”

I gather my courage and lift my eyes to Max’s. There’s compassion on his face, and it gives me the strength to finish my story.

“As I stormed Alain, thinking I could actually take him on, bullets started flying. One hit me, and when I woke up, I was in the hospital.” I shrug and let out an awkward burst of laughter. “And that’s the story of the stupidest shit I’ve ever done.”

Max shakes his head at me. Remorse tightens his features, then he says, “I shot you, Cami.”

His words don’t quite register. “What?”

“There’s more to your story. The Barnards owed the bratva money, and I was contracted to kill them. When I took the shot, you came out of nowhere and took the bullet meant for the son. It was the only mistake I’ve made in my entire career.”

My jaw drops, and staring at Max, I try to process what he’s telling me.

“I’ve never run so fast in my entire fucking life. You were unconscious when I got to you, and I did the only thing I could think of. I took you to the nearest hospital and left you there.”

Holy. Freaking. Shit.

At a loss for words, I can only stare at Max.

“I’m sorry, Cami. I’ve lived with the regret for the past ten years, and when the opportunity arose to pay you back for what I did to you, I took it. That’s why I agreed to protect you.”

Again. Holy freaking shit.