Page 103 of Restrain Me

My eyes flick to Cami, and I see her lips part with shock. “The man you just beat up killed Papa?” Her features tighten as anger pours through her. “Who ordered the assassination?”

Only when we leave the grounds of St. Monarch’s behind do I answer, “Fabian Roux. Does the name ring a bell?”

“No.” She digs her phone out of her bag and searches the name on Google. “He’s the CEO of Comprehensive Energies. It’s the largest energy company in France.”

“Fucking finally,” I mutter. “That’s the reason he went after your father. The green policy your father wanted to implement would’ve cost the company a loss.”

Cami shakes her head, then she finds a photo of Fabian Roux, and disgust tightens her features. “I want him dead, Max.”

“I’ll take care of the fucker,” I promise.

“When?” she asks, still reading up on information about the man.

“Once I’ve arranged with Nikolai for you to stay with them on the island.”

Her eyes fly to me, and as I pull up the driveway of our home, she says, “No, I’m going with you.”

When I shake my head, she reminds me, “You said we’ll always stick together. Where you go, I go. I’ll be safer with you, and I don’t know the Vetrovs that well.”


I park the car then turn in my seat to face her. “The whole of France knows who you are, and it will be dangerous. You got along with Abigail at the wedding. At the most, I’ll be gone twenty-four hours.”

Cami takes a calming breath then nods. “Sorry, my emotions got the best of me.”

I lean across the console and place my hand at the side of her neck. Locking eyes with her, I say, “I’m doing what’s best for you, baby.”

She nods again before wrapping her arms around my neck. Near my ear, she whispers, “I want him to know he’s going to die. I want him to feel what Papa felt.”

I press a kiss to the side of her head and promise, “He’ll know. I promise.”

We pull away from each other and climb out of the SUV. As we walk to the front door, Cami asks, “When will it happen?”

“I need a couple of days to find out what his routine is,” I reply. Stepping inside the house, I add, “And to decide on the method I’ll use to eliminate him.”

Cami places her hand back on the table in the foyer, then lets out a sigh. “I’m tired.”

Walking closer to her, I take her hand and pull her to the living room. I push her down on the couch and hand her the TV remote. “Snacks?”

She gives me a grateful smile. “Please.”

Luckily we did some shopping before we went to St. Monarch’s, so we’re all stocked up on comfort food for my woman.

I grab a box of chocolate-covered pretzel sticks and a soda, then head back to the living room. I hand them to her and press a kiss to her mouth. “I’ll be in my office.”

“Okay.” Just as I pull away, she says, “You’re an incredible man, Max. I love you.”

“Love you too, baby.”

Chapter 36


For the past three days, Max has been working non-stop. At first, I left him alone so I wouldn’t get in the way, but that didn’t last long.

I’m sitting next to him in the office and watching security footage of Fabian Roux going about his daily routine as if he didn’t have my father killed.

The bastard.