“Good night, Ingrid,” Elin said when she pulled back.
“Good night,” Ingrid replied, letting go of Elin’s hands to let her turn and walk down the hall.
“You know what?” Elin turned back around and briskly walked toward Ingrid.
Then, Elin’s hands were on Ingrid’s face, pulling her toward her own. What started as a hard, heated kiss quickly evolved as Ingrid’s hands moved to Elin’s hips, pulling her closer, and Elin’s arms wrapped back around Ingrid’s neck, pulling her in as well.
Ingrid was kissing the Queen of Norway. She was kissingherQueen. They slowed their lips as their hands began to wander, and Ingrid moaned softly. Elin gripped the back of Ingrid’s shirt in response. When Ingrid slid her tongue into Elin’s mouth, Elin’s hands wentunderIngrid’s shirt. Ingrid nibbled on Elin’s lower lip, and Elin groaned, pressing her hands firmly into Ingrid’s back. This was hot.Elinwas hot. Ingrid was boiling. Her own hands slipped around to Elin’s back and a little lower to cup Elin’s ass. Then, Elin laughed, which broke both their kiss and the spell they’d been under.
“What?” Ingrid asked, laughing, too, now.
“I’m a little ticklish there,” Elin replied.
“Where? On your–”
“Yes,” Elin said, still laughing. “Well, a little on my lower back and then… yeah, there, too.”
“How ticklish, exactly?” Ingrid asked, not moving her hands.
“Not a lot. That’s why I said a little,” Elin said.
“So, I can hold my hands here?” Ingrid asked, giving Elin’s ass a little squeeze.
“Not if I’m going home right now.”
“Why not?” Ingrid teased, kissing Elin’s lips lightly.
“Because I’m thinking aboutnotgoing home right now.”
“Then, don’t,” Ingrid replied.
“I should.”
“You should stay,” Ingrid told her.
“I’ve waited three years, Ingrid.” Elin pulled back a little. “I can wait until we’re not wondering if security is watching us from down the hall or if your sister is listening to us on the other side of that door.”
“I don’t know ifIcan,” Ingrid joked. “But I will,” she said more seriously. “When can we do this again?”
“I have to go to London this week. But when I come back?”
“Will you call me – or text, at least – while you’re gone?”
Elin smiled and said, “Yes.”
“Okay. Then, I’ll ask you to text me when you get home, too, while you’re saying yes to things.”
“I will.” Elin pecked her lips. “After my cold shower.”
Ingrid laughed and said, “Good night, Elin.”
“Good night,” Elin replied.
Then, Ingrid watched her walk down the hall toward the elevator. Elin turned around and gave her an adorable wave, which Ingrid returned. Ingrid unlocked the front door, walked inside, and found her sister leaning back against the sofa.
“You’llhave to take a cold shower, too, because I used up all the hot water,” Sarah Anne told her.