Page 96 of Appointing

“Are you still?” Ingrid asked.

“Not as much as I was, no, but I’m still trying to get used to everything. I just miss you. I have since you left; really, since my father told me I’d have Markus as my secretary, and I didn’t fight him on it.”

“You understand why I can’t come back, though, right?”

“As much as I miss working with you, Ingrid, I wantthismore,” Elin replied.

Ingrid smiled and said, “Me too.”

“So, are you happy whereyouare?”

“It’s not exactly what I thought I’d be doing, but… yeah, I think I am. I’m still getting used to things myself. I’m paid about the same as I was at the palace, so that’s nice, but while the company’s turning a profit, I don’t think my stepdad’s ever going to get rich from it. I’m good, though.”

“I’m glad, then,” Elin said.

“Okay, I fed your security guard, and he told me there’s another one outside, so I’m going to take him something, too,” Sarah announced, emerging from the kitchen. “Then, I’m going to go, if you guys are okay. I’ve cleaned upmymess. Just clean yours up before you leave, okay?”

“I’ll take care of it,” Ingrid promised.

“And you have the key and the alarm code?”

“I do. I’ll make sure everything’s locked up.”

“Good. I could absolutely get fired for this, Ingrid, so please don’t burn the place down or steal all the booze.”

Ingrid and Elin laughed and said, “We won’t.”

“And will I see you back at home later?” Sarah asked with a lifted eyebrow.

“Goodbye, Sarah,” Ingrid told her.

Sarah laughed and said, “Good night.” Then, she looked at Elin. “All joking aside; I don’t really know if I’m supposed to do the whole ‘Your Majesty and bow’ thing or not if you’re on a date with my sister, so I’ll just say goodnight.”

“I think goodnight is perfect,” Elin replied.

“Then, good night,” Sarah said.


“I think I knew then, but I was still just a secretary working for a future Queen, so things were really confusing, but you were so gorgeous… It was like I was watching a behind-the-scenes feature of a Maxim shoot or something,” Ingrid confessed about their time in the hot spring pool.

Elin laughed and said, “No, it wasn’t.”

“Yes, it was,” Ingrid argued as she put the Skolebrød into the oven. “You really have no clue how beautiful you are, do you?”

“I try not to think about it too much; I’ll get a big head,” Elin joked. “Also, I was generally thinking about how beautiful my private secretary was and trying not to kill myself with scalding hot water.”

“That isnotwhy you burned yourself.” Ingrid laughed a little.

“Ingrid, pretty much every injury I’ve had these past three or so years has been at least in part because of you.” Elin paused. “Don’t take that the wrong way.”

There was a moment where they just stared at one another, enjoying the fact that they could both finally be honest about their feelings.

“So, how long do I have to wait for them to cool before I can eat them?”

Ingrid laughed, walked over to Elin, and kissed her on the cheek. She wanted more. She wanted their first kiss, but she didn’t want it to be in her sister’s restaurant kitchen while she had flour on her face. Elin looked shocked when Ingrid pulled back, though. Ingrid worried she’d done something wrong. Then, Elin’s hand reached up and cupped Ingrid’s cheek. Apparently, Elin didn’t have the same concerns about their first kiss being here.

Elin’s thumb swiped across Ingrid’s cheek.