Page 84 of Appointing

“We’ve had a couple of talks about it. She seems okay with the idea.”

“Mari wants to go to business school,” Elin countered.

“I know. We have great programs in Denmark, and I’d love it if she went back to school. I know it would make her happy. The wedding could wait until after she graduated.”

“You’d be all right with that?”

“Of course, I would. I love her. I want her to have whatever she wants.”

“Well, if you ask and she says yes, you’ll get no argument from me. Did you get one from my father?”

“Not exactly,” Erik said, looking sheepish.

“What happened?”



“He just asked me if I’d spent any time with you.”

“He didn’t,” she said.

“You know he’s always thought it should be you and me. We’re about the same age.”

“We’re closer in age, so we’re meant to be together? By that definition, you could marry Christian, too.”

He laughed and replied, “I think his new girlfriend might have a problem with that.”

Elin rolled her eyes, thinking about her father, and said, “Let’s get back out there. Mari’s going to know something is up if we stay in here any longer, and I have something I need to say to my father.”

“Oh. Please don’t get me in trouble with him… He barely gave me his permission to marry Mari.”

She stood up and marched out of the room, leaving Erik to decide whether or not to follow her out. She made it to the salon in record time, noticed her entire family sitting there, along with Amalie, and decided it was now or never.

“I’d like to make an announcement,” she said loud enough for all of them to hear.

Everyone turned their attention to her. Erik walked past her and stood next to Mari’s chair.

“Amalie and Erik, we’re so happy to have you here with us tonight,” Elin began. “I have something to say that I should have said a long time ago, but I’m saying it now, and I guess that’s what matters.” She looked at her mother, who smiled and nodded at her. Then, Elin turned to look directly at her father and said, “I’m gay. I’m a lesbian. Whenever I do find someone to settle down with, Dad, it will be a woman, not a man. So, there it is.”

“You’re…” Christian tried to say something but couldn’t seem to complete his sentence.


“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’m telling you now.”

“Elin, I’m your twin; we tell each other everything.”

“You’re eating veggie burgers and wearing wet socks to bed, Christian. I don’t think we tell each other everything.”

“This isn’t wet socks,” he argued.

“Christian, leave your sister alone,” her mother said. “This isn’t aboutyouright now.”

“You’re gay, Elin?” Mari asked.