“I love you,” Elin said as she lay Ingrid back on the bed and slid on top of her.
“I love you, too,” Ingrid replied, sliding her hands immediately inside of Elin’s underwear, gripping her ass, and pressing Elin down against herself. “I’ve missed this.”
Elin laughed a little and said, “You’ve missed tickling me?”
“I’ve missed all of it.”
Elin sat up and pulled Ingrid’s panties off before she stood and tossed her own aside. Then, she lay back on top of her as Ingrid spread her thighs in order to allow Elin to settle between them.
“I’m staying tonight,” Elin stated as she slowly began to rock.
“You said you–”
“I do. I’ll just wake up earlier. I don’t want to be without you tonight, Ingrid. I just…” Her hips continued to move as Ingrid’s hands slid up and down her back. “You can’t move into the palace until we’re married, but I have a private residence I never use that’s technically mine. My parents gave it to me when I finished law school. We can move in there. Well,youcan, and I can stay there whenever I can.”
“Whenwe get married?” Ingrid smirked up at her.
“Yes,” Elin replied confidently. “When you become mywife, Ingrid, I hope you’ll move into the palace with me. We can keep the residence, too. We can go back to the island whenever you want. We–”
“You don’t have to sell it to me, Elin,” Ingrid interrupted. Then, she gasped as Elin pressed her lips to Ingrid’s neck. “Oh, that’s good, though.”
“Yeah?” Elin asked.
“Yes, you can keep doing that.”
“I will,” Elin replied, kissing that same spot again. “One day, I’m going to ask you to marry me.” She kissed Ingrid again. “The country will call you their Queen Consort.” Elin moved her lips to Ingrid’s jaw. “My nieces and nephews will call you ‘Aunt Ingrid.’” She stared down at Ingrid. “I’ll call Sarah my sister, and you’ll do the same with Lillian and Mari.”
Ingrid ran her hand through Elin’s hair and said, “I know there’s the whole big, televised ceremony, but…”
Elin’s instinct was to worry that this was too much to say right now; Ingrid had only just told her for the first time that she loved her. And here Elin was, projecting their entire futures while they made love. She allowed herself a moment to look into Ingrid’s green eyes, seeing that future there and knowing that it would all be okay.
“Can we do something small, too?” Ingrid requested. “Just for our families? I think my stepdad and mom would really like that. And IknowI would.”
Elin nodded and said, “Whatever you want, my love.”
“Ingrid, I need to hop in the shower. I’m running to the farmer’s market, and they run out of the best stuff before eight.”
Elin pulled back at the shower curtain a bit and said, “Not Ingrid.”
“Holy shit! There’s a Queen in my shower,” Sarah Anne yelped.
Elin laughed and said, “Sorry. I’ll be out in a minute. I have to leave early myself.”
“Where’s my sister?”
“In bed. She’s still sleeping.”
“Well, you better not plan on leaving her another note, Elin.” Sarah crossed her arms over her chest.
Elin smiled and said, “I woke her up before I came in here and told her I had to run. I’ll kiss her before I go, too.”
“So, you two had a good night last night?”
“We did, yes,” Elin replied.
“I’m glad. I wasn’t planning on stopping by this morning, but I forgot my market membership card – it gets me the restaurant discount. I figured I’d just take a shower here, too, but I didn’t expect you to be using it.”