Page 138 of Appointing

“Talk about a coming out party,” Lillian commented.

“I haven’t talked to her about it,” Elin replied.

“Scared she’ll say no?”

“I have a meeting with Markus after breakfast. I’m going to discuss what I’d like with him.”

“And is that Ingrid at your consecration?” Mari persisted.

“I’d love to have her there. I’d love to look out at my family and see her sitting next to you all. I just don’t think she’s ready for that yet.”

“You need to talk to her,” Lillian replied.

“I will. I’m just trying to work up the courage. I’m supposed to meet her at her apartment tonight,” Elin said. “We’re having dinner.”

“And conversation,” Mari added.

“Yes, Mari.” Elin chuckled. “Now, I have to go.”

“Keep us posted,” Lillian told her. “And not just because you know we love this stuff.” She winked at Elin. “Because we love you.”

Elin smiled at her younger sister and gave her a nod.


“Ma’am, the consecration ceremony details are nearly complete,” Markus said as he sat down across from her. “But I believe you wanted to speak with me about something.”

“I did, yes. I know I asked you to leave the seat next to Princess Mari vacant for Ingrid, but I don’t believe that will be necessary,” she said and swallowed.


“No. I think we can let someone else from the family sit in the front row.”

“Your eldest uncle, perhaps?”

“Whoever you think it should be is fine, Markus,” she said.

Markus made a note in his notebook and looked back up at her, not saying anything for a moment.

“Ma’am,” he spoke then. “I can leave the seat vacant for now. We can always move someone up at the last minute.”

“I want to come out, Markus,” she said. “Before or after the ceremony; whatever makes the most sense.”

“Then, we should have Ingrid beside your family at the ceremony, Ma’am.”

“As much as I would like that, I don’t think Ingrid is ready to be considered part of the family just yet. You are aware that we’ve only just started our relationship. It’s likely premature for her to join us.”

“Very well, Ma’am. Should I assume that you will be telling the nation about…”

“My sexuality?” she filled in for him.

“Yes, thank you,” he replied with slightly rosy cheeks. “But not that you are in a relationship already?”

“Yes,” she said regretfully.

“And what if anyone asks?”

“About Ingrid?”