Page 128 of Appointing

“I’m sorry; I was just surprised. Your Royal–” Ingrid went to bow her head.

Lillian laughed and said, “I was kidding, Ingrid.”

Ingrid had woken that morning alone to a note that Elin had written telling her she had some work to do that morning and she’d try to make it back before Ingrid had to leave for work, which she needed to soon or she’d be late. She’d known Elin would be leaving soon, too, and they didn’t have a lot of time together. She’d hoped they would stay in bed for a little while this morning to say a proper goodbye until Elin got back from St. Rais. Ingrid had showered in Elin’s bathroom and hoped the woman would be back by the time she was out, but instead, it was Lillian who sat on the end of the still-mussed bed.

“Good morning,” Ingrid said.

“Do you want to get dressed?”

“Yes, please.”

Lillian laughed again and said, “I’ll be out there.”

“Oh, okay,” Ingrid replied, wondering why Lillian was here at all.

Lillian stood and left the room, likely going to the sitting room to wait for Ingrid. Ingrid brushed her wet hair and pulled it back into a messy bun. She changed into the clothes she’d worn last night but didn’t bother with her underwear since they were ruined. She’d been lucky Elin had returned to the elevator to pick everything up for them after they’d made love in bed, slowly this time. Ingrid’s clit throbbed just thinking about Elin on top of her, moving against her and inside her so slowly, and she nearly cried at how good it all felt.

“So, it finally happened,” Lillian said when Ingrid walked in.


“Lillian; or Lil, if you like,” Lillian said, taking a drink of her coffee. “I had them bring you one, too. I know you like two sugars, but I thought you could add them yourself.”

“You know how I take my coffee?”

“The same way my sister does now,” Lillian stated simply. “You’ve turned her into a coffee girl, I think.”

“I don’t know why she started drinking coffee, actually,” Ingrid replied, sitting down next to Lillian. “She’s always enjoyed tea.”

“Because she missed you, and it was something that reminded her of you, Ingrid,” Lillian explained. “She hated not having you here. She kind of turned into a shell of my sister there for a while.”

“She did?” Ingrid asked, adding her sugar. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t think it was right for me to work here when–”

“You were in love with her?”

Ingrid swallowed. Then, she nodded.

“And now?”

“Now, we’re together,” Ingrid replied. “So, it wouldn’t be app–”

“No, I meant that she told you.”

“Told me what?”

“Ingrid, she told you she loved you.”

“How did you–”

“She showed up to my room this morning and told me she finally told you, and she also mentioned that you didn’t say it back.” Lillian sucked between her two front teeth. “And I know youfeelit, so I was hoping we could maybe get to the bottom of why you didn’ttellher how you feel.”

“Is she okay?” Ingrid asked, concerned now.

“She’ll be fine. She’s mostly worried.”

“About us?”

“I get the impression that you two took your relationship to that next step last night. She didn’t say anything, but it seemed that way to me. I’m guessing she said it after?” Lillian lifted an eyebrow, but Ingrid didn’t say anything in response. “Okay. Well, I’m going to butt in here, even though I probably shouldn’t – because that’s how my family works, and you should get to know that now. Do you love my sister, Ingrid?”