“Dad, you’re being rude to Mom, rude to me, and rude to Ingrid,” Elin told him.
“I am not.”
“You don’t think I know you’d rather still be King? You don’t think I know that while you say you’re proud of Christian and proud of me, you’d still rather it be him instead of me right now? I know that, Dad. And I also know that you’re okay with me being gay until we start talking about the world knowing. You’re okay with me being married until we discuss the fact that I don’t want children. You’re worried about the stability of the monarchy with me at the head of it, but here I am, and I am who I am. I won’t change for you or for anyone. You keep talking to Markus, feeding him policy and information you expect me to listen to, but you’re not in charge anymore, Dad. You could come tomewith your thoughts, but you don’t. You told me you’d mentor me, and you don’t. You just sit here and sulk. You’re angry at the situation, and you’re taking it out on the rest of us, but I won’t sit here and let you talk to me or to Ingrid like planning for some event far off into the future is more important than you meeting the first woman I’ve ever brought home to my parents.” Elin paused to catch her breath. “Dad, I love her. I want all those things you mentionedwithher. I brought her here as your daughter, not as the sovereign. But Iamthe sovereign. I’ll leave with her right now, too, if you can’t agree to at least be civil. Act like a normal father tonight, please. Just ask her about growing up or places she wants to travel to someday, not about quitting her job because she’s in a relationship with me. Can you do that just for one night? For me, Dad?”
He considered this for a moment, took a drink of his bourbon, and nodded.
“Good. I love you. You’re going to get through this, okay?”
“This is harder than I thought it would be, Elin,” he admitted.
“I know, Dad.”
“No, honey, you can’t know. And I hope you never know what this is like. I was supposed to die. My son was supposed to assume the throne. You were supposed to have whatever life you wanted. None of that has happened, and it’s my fault.”
“Dad, Idohave the life I wanted,” Elin replied, smiling softly at him.
He looked at her, confused.
“I don’t think I knew it until after it all happened, but I like being Queen. I can make a difference. Iwantto make a difference. I want Christian to have the life he wants. I know this won’t make sense to most people, but I am histwin. I can feel his happiness, Dad. He’s doing what he loves, and he’s fallen in love with Amalie. I’m going to make Lillian The Princess Royal because she deserves the title. She’s taken on more work recently, and she’s prepared to take over for me. She’s accepted her responsibility. Even Mari is happier. She’s in love, and she’s going to business school next year, which is what she’s always wanted.” Elin looked toward the closed kitchen door. “Dad, I’m in love. I don’t know how it happened, but Ingrid wants to be with me – Queen and all – and I am happy.”
Her father’s eyes welled with tears.
“You didn’t mess anything up,” Elin told him. “Don’t start now, okay? Mom loves you. Don’t push her away.Ilove you. Stop interfering, and I’ll come here. We can talk about this stuff like two adults with the same goal: a successful and happy Norway.”
“I love you, too,” he replied. “And Iamproud of you.”
She nodded and said, “Thank you.”
“I think I’ll save the rest of this bourbon for after dinner.”
Elin laughed and watched as Ingrid and her mother walked hesitantly back into the room carrying two trays of food.
“Well? Were we gone long enough?” her mother asked.
“Yes,” her father replied. “I owe you both an apology.”
Ingrid set the tray she’d been carrying down on the table. Elin placed one hand on the small of Ingrid’s back and the other on Ingrid’s thigh, making sure Ingrid knew she could sit as close as she wanted or needed to.
“I’m sorry, Sir. I–”
“No, Ingrid, you were right. Elin and I talked, and tonight, she’s my daughter first, and I’m her father. You’re her girlfriend, and I apologize to you.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Ingrid said, taking Elin’s hand on her thigh and squeezing it.
“So, where are some places you’d like to travel one day?” he asked.
Elin just burst into laughter.
“So,whyare you here?” Sarah asked.
“I’m eating dinner,” Ingrid replied.
“At my restaurant?”
“Why not? You serve food here.”