Page 110 of Appointing

“Oh, sweetheart.” Ingrid moved toward her and pulled her back in. “You’reallI want.”

That night, they ate a light meal in front of the fire. Elin told Ingrid about the night she came out to her entire family, and then Ingrid listened intently as Elin explained the rules of water polo since she knew nothing about the sport. After that, Ingrid talked about her new job and her growing up in Oslo with little to no money, and how her mom made the most of it. Around ten, they retired to the bedroom, choosing to lie on top of the thick blankets, and they watched.

“You know, Elizabeth and Palmer had a date like this,” Elin spoke as she took Ingrid’s hand.

“They did?”

“Back when they first met,” Elin replied. “Palmer had never seen them. I know you have; I just thought–”

“I’ve never seen them like this,” Ingrid interrupted, causing Elin to turn her head toward her. “They’re dancing in your eyes, Elin.”


“She saidthat, and you didn’t sleep with her?” Lillian asked.

“Lil,” Elin said, laughing.

“What? She told you that the Northern Lights – one of the most beautiful things to exist on this planet – were dancing in your eyes, and you didn’t give her any?”

“I did, too; I kissed her.”

“Kissed her? That’s it?”

“Well, Ireallykissed her,” Elin said. “She ended up on top of me.”

“And you didn’t even let her–”

“We did that for a long time, and it was amazing, Lil. Neither of us seemed to take it any further than that.”

“She was waiting foryouto make a move, Elin.You’rethe Queen, remember?”

“That didn’t stop her from askingmeout,” Elin reminded.

“Well, shedidwait three years, so…”

“We fell asleep, Lillian. We just watched the lights, kissed, and fell asleep. I woke up holding her, and it was exactly what I want for the rest of my life,” Elin said, smiling.

“So, you two will just sleep next to each other forever? I think that’s just calledfriendship, Elin.”

“Wewilldo that. And, honestly, I was so exhausted. I think she was, too, but we had that last dinner in London, and then I had to fly back early that morning. We flew to the island and hiked for hours. I thought we’d take the easy trail and turn around, but we just kept walking instead. It was so much fun; we just got back a lot later than I’d intended. I thought we’d nap and then go on that cruise I’d booked, but she wanted it to be just us, so we ate, talked, and watched the lights. I fell asleep around midnight.”

“But you had a good time, didn’t you?” Lillian smiled at her.

“She’s the one, Lil.” Elin nodded confidently. “She just gets me in a way no one ever had. I can’t imagine waking up with anyone else like that.”

“I’ve narrowed down my options, if you’re curious.”

“Your options?”

“Yes, I’m down to three guys.”

“So, you’re on a dating game show, Lil?”

“No, I’m just casually seeing them.”

“How can you tell if it could be serious one day if you’re just casually seeing all of them?”

“Well, there’s Lord Charles. He’s–”