Page 102 of Appointing

“What?” Elin laughed.

“She’s taking this heir-to-the-throne thing very seriously. It’s very cute.”

“She’s not even eight years old,” Elin noted.

“She’s a little Palmer.” Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “My wife has always been ambitious and driven. It’s one of the reasons we got together in the first place. She didn’t give up on getting her story, and she ended up getting the girl.”

“And the happily ever after,” Elin added.

“And what about you?” Elizabeth asked.

“What about me?”

“Happily ever after?”

“Oh, I don’t know. We’ve had one date.”

“But you’ve known her for years.”

“I know. And I know how I feel about her. I know she’s interested in me. I’m just not going to confess my undying love on the first date.”

“I understand,” Elizabeth said.

“Can I ask you a question?”


“You had to come out as Queen; your country accepted it.”

“Yes, I was very lucky.”

“I thinkminewill, too, but I can’t seem to figure out the right way to do it.”

“Well, a speech is likely the best option.”

“But I’m dating Ingrid now. If I come out, all eyes will be on me and whomever I date. I don’t want that for us at the beginning of whatever this might be. I just kissed her for the first time.”

“And if you don’t come out?”

“I will. I’m not marrying a man, and I know I want a wife someday. I just worry that if I don’t say anything now, and Ingrid and I end up…Well, then people might be upset that I didn’t say something sooner. Plus, there’s the risk that they’ll find out about us before I say anything.”

“I thought it was just one date,” Elizabeth teased.

“It was thebestdate.” Elin sighed happily, recalling that kiss.

“You’re all starry-eyed over there,” Elizabeth noted, laughing at her.

“I always am when I talk about her.”

“Elin, ultimately, it’s your choice what you do. I’d suggest you and Ingrid have a talk, though, about what you both think. It sounds like what you two have will likely go beyond that second date, which means her opinion matters as well.”

“How did you talk about it with Palmer?”

“Palmer was honestly easy.”

“Hey,” Palmer said when she walked back into the room. “I wasnot.”

“Not what I meant, my love.” Elizabeth chuckled. “How are they?”