Eric looked at me, confused.

“You need to go somewhere? During campaign season?” We were obviously very busy, but I just had this gut feeling that I needed to do this.

Looking away from him, I looked to the distance, to no one in particular.

“I just have a feeling that our viral superstar new girl will need some help for her first overseas story,” I said casually, hoping that Eric wasn’t going to ask anymore questions, but I knew him better than that—

“You… want Olivia to go with the news team that’s going to Norway for your friend’s ski resort opening? And you want to go with her?” Eric’s eyebrows were pinched hard together. It was highly unusual that I would accompany any news team on any of their stories. It was also unusual to send a brand new reporter overseas. But Olivia was our star.

“Olivia is, after all, the reason we had an upsurge of readers and viewers,“ I explained, making sure everything I was saying was factual. “I feel it's my responsibility to keep it going. Wouldn’t you think?” I challenged Eric. “And besides, I promised my friend that I’d be there for the opening. So might as well go with the team.”

And though there was an expression on his face that wanted more elaboration, he simply nodded and accepted my request.

I glanced at Olivia once more, a small smile forming on my lips.

Chapter 10


Imusthavebeendreaming. There was absolutely no way that what I was seeing was real. Actually, a lot of things that just happened to me didn’t seem real whatsoever. A few days ago, after the whole comfort food party that Ben Oviatt threw for us, I had an email in my inbox about my next story. I honestly hoped I was finally getting a political story, but when I opened the email, well, I was blown away.

“Norway!?” I internally screamed, not wanting to disturb any of my fellow reporters. I closed and opened the email over and over again, not believing anything, but it stayed the same. I was going to Norway for a story. I was going to experience my first time traveling out of the country!

So many things had happened during my time here in OVT, and I hadn’t even reached my first month yet. It was crazy; absolutely ridiculous. It took a turn for the even-crazier when I learned I was flying on the company’s private jet.

As I arrived at the private jet terminal, I was greeted by a nice man in a uniform offering to take my bags for me.

“Good morning, Miss Taylor. Allow me to assist you with that,” he said so kindly. I was starting to feel a bit hesitant to let him touch my hand-me-down suitcase. I should have gone shopping for some half-way decent looking luggage.

“Th-Thanks,” I said as he whisked away my ragged-looking purple suitcase. I was pretty sure one of my zippers was broken because I had to drag it along with my nails. I hoped he didn’t try to pull out the handle all the way because it was definitely going to come off.

Good thing I decided to dress up today, but I still had the mindset to dress comfortably. I didn’t want to be on a flight wearing work clothes, so I opted for a comfortable yet stylish pair of jeans with a simple white T-shirt. I had a cardigan in my carry-on bag if I got cold. Hey, while none of them may be branded, at least I knew I could carry the look and blend in if I was confident enough.

OK, girl. Forget about the luggage, forget about the clothes. Focus. It was easy to get distracted though, as a friendly woman led me to the private jet lounge, and it was one of the most ridiculously extravagant lounges I had ever seen.

“Please, sit back and relax while waiting,” she said in the coolest voice I had ever heard. I swore, if she wanted to do voice work for luxury brands, she would fit in well.

Man, everything about this place was top shelf. Looking around, I spotted a white piano. What kind of people just left a grand piano like that out in the open? I mean, I would attempt to tickle the ivories, but I only knew how to play, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", and I was not up for embarrassing myself even more after showing my luggage. Not to mention the open bar, the fancy snacks, and the absolutely plush seats for me to relax on. On one side of the lounge was a panoramic window, showing all the flights coming in and out of JFK airport. There was also a really fancy vintage car that was parked outside, and I presumed that it was the car that was going to take me to the private jet.

A private jet. I just remembered again that I was about to board a private jet. Who the heck was I?

It came in a blur after that, but I just found myself seated in the vintage car as it drove me out onto the runway. In the distance, I could see the private jet I was going to get onto as we approached it. A different nice man opened the door for me and helped me out and led me to the stairway leading to the entrance of the plane. It wasn’t a lot of steps, but each one had my mind racing. I just realized… I had never been on a private plane before, and of course, that was the perfect time for my brain to overthink and remember all the news stories about smaller planes suddenly crash landing.

“Welcome, Miss Taylor. Please sit back and relax as we await for the last passenger,” the very well-dressed flight attendant greeted me as she gestured the way in.

Upon entering the private jet, I was greeted with a sleek, modern bar and lounge area. The bartender nodded at me, welcoming me to the flight, and I was just utterly at a loss for words. Beyond the bar and lounge area was the executive seating. On one side, it looked like two white loveseats separated by a contemporary wood table, and on the other was more or less the same thing, but instead it was four separate single-seater chairs. There were a couple of more doors down the hallway after the seating area, and of course, at the very end was the cabin.

I was feeling very overwhelmed, so I decided to take a seat and try to process all of this. I was aware that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I should make the most out of it, but on the other hand, I was beginning to be deathly terrified of flying—or maybe it was just my anxiety.

I took some deep breaths to calm my heartbeat down, but it wasn’t helping when I knew for a fact who the last passenger the flight attendant mentioned earlier. There was only one person who made sense, who fit the bill. I knew it was going to be none other than—


I hadn’t flown in a while. Basically, I was very satisfied with my life in New York and never found any desire to travel. I felt like I already finished that phase of my life a couple of years ago when I took some time off to quite literally travel the world. But even so, not much has changed since the last time I traveled.

Gerald dropped me off at the private jet terminal.

“Have fun in Norway!” he shouted, as I walked towards the terminal.