And now everyone’s attention was on me. In a negative way. Shit.


Passion was what got me to where I was today. I had learned a lot of lessons the hard way working up the ladder, and I tried to share these experiences with my employees. I valued good work above all, and I made sure to let the entire world know.

So, when someone had the audacity to yawn while I was trying my best to coach my reporters, there were going to be consequences.

Her eyes quickly filled with panic, the golden tones shining with moisture.

“I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I didn’t mean any offense.”

“So, explain to me what you just did.” My voice had the same deadly tone. Was calling her out for a yawn excessive? Probably, but I wasn’t letting any crap get through.

Olivia started picking at her bare thumbnail. She refused to look at me.

“I… I…” she stammered, much like she did the first time I met her in this very newsroom. I tapped my fingers against the meeting table impatiently, signaling to her once more that she was wasting my time. “I… yawned, Mr. Oviatt. I’m sorry,” she admitted, stunning the room silent once more.

I sighed deeply, disappointed at the results of this meeting.

“Everyone can leave,” I announced as I began to rub my temples. I could feel a headache coming on.

Eric merely looked at me with concern, but he knew he couldn’t do much to mitigate this disaster.

“Alright, you heard the boss. Great job today, everyone,” he said out loud, gesturing toward everyone to get out of the room as quickly as possible.

“Olivia. Stay.”

The rest of the staff walked around her frozen frame before she got out of the way and walked back to her seat.

Olivia simply sat there, avoiding eye contact, as we waited for every single person to exit the room. I never let my eyes leave her. I never allowed her to get out of my sight after that brilliant performance of hers.

Eventually, we were both left alone in the meeting room. I stood up and walked toward the glass wall that separated us from the larger newsroom. Though the other staff members were trying their best to avert their eyes, I knew they were all still very much paying attention. They were journalists, after all. They were naturally curious. Eric shot me a look that kind of said that I should go easy on Olivia, but I simply responded with a blank look before pushing the button near the door. The blinds then slowly rolled down from the ceiling, eventually covering the entire glass wall. No one could see us now, but I knew that would do nothing to dispel any office rumors from this emergency one-on-one session I had with Olivia.

“Not getting enough sleep, are we?” I walked back to my chair. The air conditioning was running and without the extra bodies in the room, the cold was noticeable. Olivia grabbed her elbows like she was trying to warm up.

When she finally looked at me, her eyes were filled with worry. Something twisted in me at her expression, almost like I wanted to reach out and comfort her. Chase away the cloudiness in her usually sparkling eyes. My body yelled at me that those pink lips shouldn’t be dipped in a frown. My thumb wanted to smooth the knot between her eyebrows.

What the fuck?

“Mr. Oviatt, I really am sorry and I—”

“Answer the question.” I stuffed down my body’s reaction. I’d deal with that later. For now, I interlaced my fingers in front of me on the table and waited.

“N-No… I've been having trouble with my sleep schedule, sir,” she finally confessed. “I guess I’m still not used to traveling so much and the deadlines.” I could see the hope in her hazel eyes, begging for me to understand.

I stayed silent for a beat, letting the uncomfortable moment stretch between us until Olivia shifted in her seat. I watched as her delicate hand moved first to her mouth, poised to bite on the nail before thinking better and moving to her hair. She ran her hand through the slight curl of her copper hair that shone brightly under the conference room lights.

I let out a heavy exhale as I sat back in my seat, trying to present a casualness that I didn't know if she was buying.

“You know, every single person in the world who works in some way, shape, or form faces the same adjustment period at the start of their job,” I said, looking down at the table before moving back to her eyes. They moved anxiously around the room. “There will always be time mismanagement, quality issues, and misunderstood instructions, and here at OVT, we allow those things to happen.” I stood, moving toward the exit, near to where she sat.

“I… I’ve been very grateful for your patience with me so far, Mr. Oviatt.” I could see her lips quiver slightly.

Without thinking, I leaned forward on the table from just behind her chair, bracketing her with my strong arms. She looked so small like this. My lips were mere inches from her ear and I couldn’t escape the floral smell of her shampoo. I saw the light trail of freckles across the bridge of her nose and suddenly wanted to lean closer.

“But you have exhausted my patience, Olivia,” I said slowly, venomously in her ear. I saw the corner of her hazel eyes as they widened in horror. She caught her lower lip in her teeth, and from this close, I could see how it was slightly fuller than her top lip.

“S-Sir?” Olivia squeaked for clarification. Her shoulders were completely still. She wasn't allowing herself a breath.