Page 90 of Can't Fight It

He shakes his head.

Hmm, that’s not good. “Well, the hard part’s over, right?”

“Yeah,” he murmurs softly. “It is.”

His gaze lingers over me, and a flush steals across my face in response. When will I be able to control myself fully around him?

I turn my chin down so he can’t see and say, “You know, I don’t have to study tonight. We could watch a movie again.”

“Yeah, we could do that.”

I let him pick something, but I can barely pay attention as we sit on the couch, thinking instead about the way he was looking at me, about the hug he gave me, about those glorious few minutes in bed yesterday morning as he touched me.

I’d confessed to him at the Stress Lab that I couldn’t stop replaying that scene in my mind, and it continues now. The sensation of his hard shaft against my backside as he’d rubbed me with slow, torturous circles. The rising need for him.


I blink, turning to him.

“You okay?”

What was I doing to make him think I’m not? “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You seem kind of out of it. We can pick a different movie if you want.”

“No, this one is great.” Crap. I don’t even remember what we’re watching.

He pauses the movie. “Okay, tell me what’s going on.” He motions toward the screen.

“Um…” Crap. Crap. Triple crap. “Maybe I should head to bed. I didn’t get much sleep last night.” That’s the truth, at least. I’d been too worried thinking about what I should say to him today.

His brows raise the slightest bit. “All right. Let’s go to bed.”

I bite my lip, that wavering feeling in my stomach going haywire. He makes it sound like we’re going theretogether. Which we are, I guess. Just not the way it sounds.

Restlessness courses through me as I go through the motions of getting ready for bed, practically bursting with it as I lay down. He’s within arm’s reach on the other side of the mattress, so close yet so far. I wish I could ask him to touch me again, to touch him, too. To tell him I desperately want to make up for that awful kiss at Element where I froze up.

After what happened yesterday and what he said earlier… would he want that, too?

“Austin?” I whisper into the darkness. I can’t take this balancing on the edge anymore.


“At the Stress Lab today, we never really finished our conversation.”

“We didn’t?”

I grip the blanket, pulling it tighter around me. “No. I was worried I’d pressured you yesterday morning and you said you wouldn’t have done it if you didn’t want to. And I just want to know what you meant by that. You said you got something out of it, too.”

My heart is pounding, practically beating out of my chest, but at least he can’t tell how nervous I am in the darkness of the room.

“I… liked doing that for you.”

He did?

“Would you want to do anything like that again?” I ask. I press my lips tightly together, hardly able to believe I said that.

“You want me to touch you? To… get you off?”