Page 94 of Can't Fight It

I stare at the screen, waiting for a response, but there’s nothing. I should probably be paying attention to the lecture, but it’s too late for that. My focus is shot.

I rub my fingers over my temples, then dive for my phone as it lights up.

Austin:You’re welcome to everything in my apartment.

Including him?

I nearly groan aloud. God, I’m awful.

Me:I’ll have to bring you something from the diner again to make up for it.

Austin:You don’t owe me anything, but I won’t say no to another burger and fries.

I smile to myself, something about the idea of getting food for him seeming intimate. Like I’m coming home and… Wait. His place isn’t my home anymore, is it? My door will be fixed today.

Me:I ran into the maintenance guy earlier. He’s replacing my door.

He doesn’t text back right away, but there are still the three little dots like he’s typing.

What is he thinking? Is he sorry to see me go? Happy to have his apartment to himself again?

Austin:Are you moving back to your place tonight?

That’s the question, isn’t it? If I’m being honest, I don’t want to, but it’s not like I can play house with him forever. I’m paying for an apartment across the hall.

Me:I’m not sure yet. I won’t be home from work until about nine-thirty.

I won’t mention that I could easily pack up everything of mine I’ve brought over to his place in less than ten minutes.

Austin:Will you be able to sleep alone?

My chest fills with warmth at his question. And while he probably means it in a caring, concerned way, I can’t help but want to answer no for purely selfish reasons. To have one more night with him. To feel his body against mine. To touch him again and have him touch me in return.

My fingers hesitate over the keyboard screen, then decide to just ask him.

Me:Could you stay at my place tonight with me?

I mean, it’s a legitimate question. That first night of the break-in, I really did need him close while I slept. And those feelings could very well return tonight, despite the new deadbolt on the door. He doesn’t have to know I don’t mean the question completely innocently.

Austin:Can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.

My cheeks heat. Is he flirting? Or am I misinterpreting that?

I glance around the room and tilt my phone screen down, not that anyone’s paying attention to me, and take a chance.

Me:I don’t know how much sleeping I’ll be doing tonight.

I hit send, prepared to tell him it’s only because I’ll be anxious about being in my home after everything that’s happened if he asks what I mean.

Even though that’s not what I mean.

Austin:You need a distraction?

Me:You have anything in mind?

Austin:I can think of a few things.

There’s a winking emoji at the end of his sentence and I bite my lip, shifting in my seat at his flirty words.