Page 79 of Can't Fight It

I shake my head. “At myself. I should’ve said something a long time ago.”

“Have you mentioned anything about college to him?”

I chuckle, though there’s no humor in it. “Langford men don’t go to college. We’re a salt of the earth family.”

“Does he really say that?”

I nod.

“What’s his job?”

“He’s a mechanic.”

“Did he used to be a boxer? Is that why he’s pushing you to do that?”

“No, but my uncle was.”

“Oh, right. Marty.”

My brows raise. “You know him?” That’s what her tone implied.

“Yeah, that day I came to the gym. He gave me a tour of the place.”

Why would he do that?

“So why can’t you talk to your dad? Are you afraid he won’t love or respect you if you don’t follow what he wants from you?”

God, she asks hard questions.

“I haven’t consciously thought that.” I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “But maybe. I don’t want to make things uncomfortable. For me or Danielle. It’s better to keep the status quo.”

She looks at me solemnly. “You’re not a big risk taker, are you?”

Look what my last risk got me. Rejected on the dance floor. At least it hasn’t affected the two of us acting like normal. If anything, we’re closer than ever.

I shrug. “In the ring I do. But calculated risks. You have to. In real life…” She probably thinks I’m a coward.

“I understand. It’s scary to put yourself out there, especially when it’ll make waves. But if you ever want to plan out what to say to him, I’m happy to listen. To spitball ideas or whatever.”

I nod, ignoring the ache in my chest at her kindness. “I looked more at the material you gave me about the community college.”

Her eyes sparkle. “Yeah? You seriously considering it?”

“The business program looks good. I figure it’s broad enough that I can use it for anything.”

“That’s smart. Will you apply for the summer semester?”

I wipe my palms on my pants, still thrown off by how fast this decision came together. “Yeah, I think so. Only one class, though. To make sure it’s something I actually want to do. And online so it doesn’t interfere with work.”

She reaches out to squeeze my arm, her fingers warm. “That’s a big step. It sounds like you’ve put some thought into this.”

“You’ve inspired me.”

She points to herself. “Me?”

“Yeah. You make me… want more out of my life.”

Her lips part slightly. “I don’t know what to say. There’s nothing special about me.”