Page 129 of Can't Fight It

She gives me a relieved smile. “I know. I shouldn’t freak out about it until it actually happens.”

Even so, that tension doesn’t fully leave her. “What is it?”

She glances up at me and away. “What do you mean?”

“You’re still upset about something.”

Her hands reach for mine, tracing a finger over my knuckles. “How do you read me so well?”

I wait her out, knowing she’ll tell me whatever she has on her mind in due time.

“Joel’s getting released next weekend.”

I suck in a breath, not expecting her to say that. “But his sentence was for eight months.” It’s only been six.

She shrugs, still focused on brushing the tip of her index finger over my hand. “I guess they’re letting him out early for good behavior.”

I keep to myself my comment about what kind of behavior he’s capable of. “Is there anything you have to do? In the courts or something?”

She shakes her head.

“And your restraining order is still good?”

“Yeah, there’s two and a half years left on it.”

“Any chance of them getting those burglary charges to stick?”

“No. They said there wasn’t enough evidence and he wouldn’t confess to it. Only the assault charge.”

I pull her onto my lap, wrapping her in a bear hug. My mind’s going a mile a minute, but I need to keep calm for her. “You never have to see him again. He was expelled from your school and he can’t get close to you without getting arrested. You’re safe.”

She clings to me, burrowing into my chest. “God, I’m so glad you’re here all the time now.” She stiffens, then leans back. “Not that I asked you to move in for safety reasons.”

I smile, tugging her close again. “It’s just a perk, right?”

She chuckles. “There are a lot of perks to living with you. This last month has been amazing.”

“You act like you never saw me before.” We pretty much traded off apartments every other night.

“No, but it’s different. Like you said, we’re a family now. You, me, and Boots.”

The cat in question yawns sleepily next to us on the couch.

“Oh, shit. I just remembered something.” This is awful timing.

She sits up, alarmed. “What is it?”

“I’m supposed to go out of town next weekend for a tournament. Lawrence told me about it today.”

Fear flashes in her eyes. “When Joel’s released?”

“I’ll tell them I can’t do it.”

“No. You’re about to transition to lead trainer. You can’t miss a tournament. I… I’ll be fine here.”

She’s right that I really can’t miss it. My guys rely on me and I’ve got a great winning streak going. But I can’t leave her here by herself, anxious with worry. “Come with me, then.” I can switch things around and get my own hotel room for just the two of us.

“You’re traveling for work. Besides, I have to work next weekend, too. I can’t leave town.”