Page 63 of Broken Lines

Grooved, lethally hardened lean muscles covered in tattoos. I mean he’s illegally hot. Or whatshouldbe illegal is the way I’m staring at him hungrily.

But this isn’t fair. This deck is stacked. I mean for fuck’s sake; he’s standing there caging me in with his hands on the door frame with no shirt on. With sweatpants slung so low on his grooved hips that I can feel a heat pulse between my thighs.

So low that I can’t stop my eyes from traveling down the etched v-cut of his hips, or down the dark trail of hair that leads lower and lower and lower…

God help me.

And then suddenly, explosively and determinedly, he’s crossing the room towards me.

I gasp, shivering as he surges towards me, his eyes never leaving mine until he stops inches away. His gorgeous, viciously handsome eyes stab into me. I move back, only to find the control panel of the recording studio right at my ass. I move as if to slip to the side, but my breath sucks in as his hands slam to the counter on either side of me, boxing me in.

I stiffen. And I wait for the inevitable.

I wait for the freak-out, or the collapse. I wait for the numbness, or for my mind to go to that cold, windowless place it goes whenever a man gets close to me like this.

But none of that happens. It should, but it doesn’t. I don’t freeze or go numb. In fact, I’m warm and throbbing everywhere.

I tremble, my pulse humming in my ears as the world literally spins around me. It’s like the heat of him and the force of him like some sort of magnetic magical dark energy sinks into my very skin, arresting my every though and choking the breath in my throat.

I don’t get mushy and weird about celebrities. I mean for god’s sake my mother has dated half the famous men of the rock ‘n’ roll scene of the last twenty years. For God’s sake, Jackson’s own rhythm guitar playerlivedwith us, virtually as a stepdad to me, for years.

But it’s not his celebrity status that has me choked up. It’s not the fact that he’s famous or that I grew up listening to his records, or the knowledge than any woman in the world in this position would be losing her fucking mind to be trapped in cage by none other than Jackson Havoc.

It’s just…him. It’s this dark sorcery. This lethal magic that surrounds him. I’m fully aware that it’s the same dark energy that made him so magnetic on stage and sold so many records and so many concert venue seats.

But right now, all it’s selling is my soul.

To him.

And I’m about to sign whatever dotted line this devil wants me to sign.



Jackson’s eyesflare with a steely blue fire. He leans down closer and closer, my breath choking until I’m positive he’s just going to fucking kiss me.

But he doesn’t, and the thin, smug smirk on his lips tells me he knows goddamn well that’s what I was thinking. Instead, his mouth brushes past my cheek to my ear, and I tremble from head to toe as the sheer heat of him radiates through my body.

“My, my, my,” he purrs thickly.

The tone is so low and gravely, but I swear it’s like he’s touching me with his voice.

“I came down looking for coffee and maybe breakfast. But I think this is even better…”

My breath chokes, my pulse thudding in my head. My mouth fighting to form words. Literallyanywords.


“Fucktoast and coffee,” he rasps, like silk and leather into my ear. “I’ll have that sweet little pussy for breakfast.”

My heart climbs into my throat, absolutely choking the shit out of me as my face turns crimson. My pulse ignites like liquid fire underneath my skin, and my jaw falters open.

I fight to say anything back…anything at all. Even if I have no idea what my answer should be. Because half of me wants to scream at him and maybe slap him as hard as I can. But the other half of me wants to sink against his chest, raise my chin, kiss him as hard as I can, and then let him dowhatever he wantsto me.

And I have never, everoncefelt like that around a man. Not ever, and not even a little bit.

For a time, I thought I was asexual. Or even sexually confused, and that trying to force myself to go on dates with guys felt off because I was playing for the wrong team.