Page 47 of Broken Lines

To hope to whatever god or muse or inspiration that might still dwell down there that I’ve actually got something left in the tank.

But I didn’t come here to dance around little fucking temptations like Melody.

Easier said than done.

I groan as I look down at her—those big blue eyes looking up at me, that soft, gorgeous face framed with pink hair. Thoseentirelyway-too-fuckable full, pouty lips that make my dick throb.

…and why thefuckis she standing here wrapped in a goddamn blanket?

The surging crash of carnal versus creative explodes in my head. What Iwantto do is put her on her knees with those soft lips wide and ready for me. I want her on all fours, that tight little ass up in the air as I bury every thick inch of my cock deep into every greedy little hole she has, until I’ve given her ten years of pent-up sexual release.

But her even being here is fucking with me. I’ve been….well, nothappy. But fine. I’ve been “fine” in my dark little hole on my island for the last ten years. I’ve been fine as a nonverbal nobody of a ghost. Fine without the headlines, the fame, the bullshit.

I’ve been fine with nothing and no one around me reminding me of what I was.

What I am.

Her being here isn’t just a disruption to my plans of slowly drinking myself to death, alone. It’s a constant reminder that I’ve failed inactuallydisappearing. It’s a reminder that while I might have left the world behind, the world hasn’t leftmebehind.

She needs to leave. She needs to get the fuck away from me.

““I—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to inter—”

“Yes, you did,” I rasp darkly, my face lined with anger and my eyes narrowing at her.

“Just like you interrupted me in town earlier. Just like you took it upon yourself to haphazardly launch an invasion of my island to interrupt me again.”

“I didn’t—”

“Just like you interrupted meagain, when you let your own fucking boat float away.”

She moves to pull her arm back. But I grip it tighter, relishing the way she shivers and gasps as I suddenly yank her closer. Melody’s eyes bulge, and shejustbarely manages to grab the blanket with her other hand, stopping it from falling off her entirely.

But the movement has her tripping even closer to me, almost falling right against my chest. My pulse roars as the heat of her nearness taunts the beast inside of me.

“You’ve been interrupting me and my lifeall fucking day,” I growl thickly, forcing myself to put a stop to this. To end this slow descent into yet another addiction I’ll never, ever climb out of.

This ends. Now.

“Which is why first thing tomorrow, you’reoutof my fucking house. You’reoffmy fucking island and out of my fucking life.”

I ignore the look on her face as I drop my grip on her arm.

I was enjoying the teasing, provoking flirting that was clearly ruffling her feathers before. But we’re past that.

I have to be past that.

“After that,” I snap. “You don’t come back here. No interview. No fucking questions. And yes, you can fully expect the most fuck you NDA you’ve ever even dreamed of to be delivered to your front door before you even get back to New York.”

She swallows thickly, wilting under the fury of my gaze.

“I…I’m sorry—”

“No, you’re not.”

My eyes narrow coldly as I shake my head.

“You’re not. Your kind is never sorry.”