Page 44 of Broken Lines

“Imeant,” I say tersely. “Can I use your fucking dryer. Pig.”

“You never learned about vinegar and honey did you.”


“As it pertains to catching flies.”

I roll my eyes.

“Pretty please?”

He grins.

“I could getveryused to looking down into your eyes while you say that.”

My face simmers as my lips purse tightly. As my body shivers. As my core clenches traitorously.

“Can I or can’t I use your dryer to dry my clothes off.”

Jackson grins a lopsided, roguish grin.

“Be my guest.” He gestures down the hall. “Second door on the left, down the stairs to the basement. Washer and dryer are all yours.”

I exhale slowly, feeling a sense of normalcyfinallywash over the entire situation.

“Thank you.”

He smirks.


“Nothing. I’m just trying to imagine what exactly you’ll bewearingwhile you wait to dry your…wetness.”

I blush deeply.

Fuck. I didn’t actually think about that. Everything in my bag—the couple extra t-shirts, hoodie, spare socks, jeans, underwear, etc., is allalsostill damp from my boating misadventure.

“I…” I stammer, chewing at my lip. “Do you…”


I stare at him.


“Nope,” he shrugs. “I don’t have anything for you to wear.”

I glare at him.

“You’re serious.”

“As a heart-attack. But you’re more than welcome to go naked,” he shrugs, turning to stroll from the room. “I promise, it’s not gonna bother me one bit.”

“Good to know,” I mutter at his back.

“And if you need someone to give you a hand taking those wet clothes off…”

I simmer.