Page 36 of Broken Lines

“Never ever meet your heroes, sweetheart.”

She smiles thinly.

“Your assumption that you are in any way shape or formmy herois…quite sad.”

My lips thin as I glare at her. But we say nothing, and the silence hangs over us. Eventually though, she takes a slow breath.

“So…what exactly should I do?”

“How strong a swimmer are you?”

Her eyes snap back to mine, growing fearful.

“I’m not swimming that.”

“That’s probably the smartest idea you’ve had all week. Certainly, a better one that coming here to find—”

“Are you going to let me stay here, or not?”

I laugh coldly. But it’s to cover the hunger on my face at the idea of her staying here.

In my house

In my bed.

Bouncing on my cock…

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“Well, guess what? I’m not really in the mood to play ego games with a narcissistic douchebag. So, either tell me if I can stay here, or—”

“Or what, you’ll swim?”

“Or I’ll stealyourboat.”

I exhale slowly.

“You’re kind of annoying.”

“And you’re a shitty drunk,” she throws back.

“I’m anexceptionaldrunk, thank you very much.”

Melody rolls her eyes.

“You’re an exceptional asshole whohappensto be drunk a lot.”

Her eyes drop to the bottle in my fist.

“Or,allthe time, apparently.”

My lips curl.

“Watch it.”

“Is the truth uncomfortable?”

“Not as uncomfortable as sleeping outside is going to be for you when it drops to forty degrees tonight. My boat is locked, by the way.”