Remy nods slowly. “I understand. I apologize. I shouldn’t have treated you that way. I get that exposure doesn’t pay the bills. I shouldn’t have even suggested it, but I wouldn’t have made my money if I didn’t try and push the barriers here and there.”

I fold my arms protectively across my chest. This is clearly just a business transaction for him. He isn’t looking at me as a real person, much less Freddie’s sister who he had a bit of a fling with one night. I guess that’s for the best, so we know where the barriers are.

“Fine. Change the number and I will see if this is something I agree with.”

Remy might push the boundaries with other people, but he won’t with me. I’m too strong for that. He’s about to learn that he’s met his match with me. I won’t back down. The sooner he learns that, the better.

Chapter 4


I’mstillnotconvincedthat this is the best idea I’ve ever had. Or Freddie has ever had anyway, but as soon as Zoe started to reject me, I justknewI had to make sure she stayed. It became a bit of a game in my head, and I couldn’t stop myself. Ihadto win her over.

So now, I’m paying her a fortune, much more than I was planning to, and I’ve also purchased her a designer dress for dinner with my mother. Tonight. I figured it was best to introduce Zoe to my mother first, before the press gets ahold of the story. Mom wouldhateto find out through the media.

It isn’t worth the hassle for me, so it’s best to get her off my back first.

“Wow.” I’ve been so distracted by what tonight might look like, I haven’t been thinking too much about Zoe. Until now. I’ve told myself that I intend to remain fully professional around Zoe, because this is only a business transaction, but it isn’t going to be easy when she looks likethat. The designer dress is absolutely gorgeous on her. It hugs her curves perfectly, with her hair cascading down her back, swishing perfectly around. “Hot damn, Zoe.”

My pulse kicks up a notch as I step out of the car to open the door for her. It takes every bit of strength that I have not to automatically lean in and kiss her. She isn’tactuallymy girlfriend, she’s not even a date. I have to behave, or we’ll all be in trouble.

“Hey, Remy.” She smiles softly at me. “Are you ready for this?”

The wordthisholds so much weight. This is us basically going public. Letting the press into our lives, to really see us. Plus, I’ll be letting Zoe deeper into my life as well. But it’s the right thing to do, and I know it. I’ve thought it through, and I know now that this isit. This is the perfect win-win situation for the both of us. I need a lovely-looking woman on my arm who’s my fiancée, and Zoe needs exposure. Freddie was right about that much.

“I think so.” I smile thinly. “Are you? You look great, by the way.”

“So do you.” She points to my suit. “I like that look on you.”

I step aside and invite her into the car. As she takes her seat, I feel a little calmer, knowing that I’m not on my own with this anymore. Zoe will be the wall I can lean upon if it gets tough. I know that we still have a lot to learn about one another, but it’s good that we know each other somewhat. We can make this work, I’m sure of it.

“So, what’s your mother like?” Zoe asks as we drive towards the house. “I haven’t ever met her before, from what I can remember.”

“Oh, she’s great. But a bit full on,” I laugh. “You’ll see. She doesn’t live too far away from me, so we’ll be there in a moment. You can see for yourself.”

It really doesn’t take us a long time to arrive, and as soon as I pull up the car, I sense nervous energy burning off of Zoe, just as it is me. I reach out and touch her hand, letting her know that I’m here for her. The reassuring gesture causes us to lock eyes for just a moment, overshadowing the nerves with a bunch of other emotions instead. Emotions that we probably shouldn’t be feeling, but I guess we can’t just turn it off.

“Remy!” Mom’s sharp voice snaps us out of this moment. “Come on. Wyatt is waiting.”

“Wyatt?” Zoe gushes quietly by my side. “I didn’t know your mom had a boyfriend.”

“No… er, I probably should have told you this before.” I purse my lips thoughtfully. This is definitely the wrong time to bring it up, but I’ve left it too long now. “Wyatt is my son.”

Zoe says nothing, but I can almost sense her retreating in on herself. I need to find the words to make this right, but Mom has already yelled us inside so I can’t take too long.

“I’ll explain everything properly,” I tell her rapidly. “But Wyatt is my three-year-old boy. His mother died in childbirth so it’s just me and him. Well, and Mom as well. She helps out a lot.”

“Oh, my goodness.” Zoe claps her hand to her mouth in horror as she does her best to process this. “I’m so sorry. That’s really sad. You guys… I hope you’re okay…”

I squeeze her hand once more. I will tell her more later on when we have the time alone, but for now I want to take her inside to impress my mother with the new love of my life.

“Come on,” I whisper. “Let’s do this. It’ll be great.”

Oh God, Zoe is still in shock. This isn’t going to be great for our introduction, but that’s all my fault. I’m not very open and honest with people about my past, because I truly don’t think it’s anyone else’s business. However, that rule doesn’t apply here. I’m an idiot for being closed off.

I don’t like sympathy, but I don’t like shocking people more.

“Daddy!” Wyatt runs happily into my arms and hugs me for a few moments. “I drew you.”