“Hmm, he might be right.” Okay, so Megan isn’t thinking straight either. She’s clearly had one too many to drink if she thinks Freddie is talking sense. The plan might be okay, but with Zoe… that’s just asking for trouble. She fits the criteria I set for myself, but she’s also dangerous. It might have been years ago that we crossed the line, but that still happened. We can’t escape that.

“What do you mean?” Zoe asks her friend. “How is Freddie right?”

“My experience in New York is that you’re way more likely to get hired if you’re a known face.” To be fair, Megan doesn’t look too impressed by this. “Which is a real issue with all these influencers now making an appearance. Some of them don’t even have any talent, but because they are a familiar face, they’ll get hired. I guess on the thought that they’re a face which will draw in an audience. Something that’s a real slap in the face to people like us who have been acting forever. But what can you do? You have to keep up with the times. Trust me, it’s worse in LA.”

“So, if I’m seen in loads of press photos, that will help me?” Zoe bites down on her bottom lip thoughtfully. My heart races as she does because it already seems like it’s spiraling out of my control, and I haven’t even said a word yet. But I get the strange sensation now that if I say something negative, I’ll crush Zoe. I don’t want to do that. “Well, that’s interesting…”

She turns to look at me with hope in her gorgeous, piercing blue eyes. As Zoe flicks her bright blonde hair behind her shoulder and smiles with those delicious plump lips of hers, I don’t know what to say. I kinda give her a semi-nod, which is all she needs.

“Well, it looks like that’s it then.” She beams so happily I know I can’t put an end to this now. It looks like it’s happening regardless, however dangerous this is. “It looks like I’m going to be a fiancée for a little while. I hope these paparazzi pictures are positive.”

Freddie has no idea what he’s just unleashed, does he? He has no idea about the can of worms he’s just opened. But he’s smiling and patting Zoe on the shoulder gratefully, glad that he’s done something positive for us all. I guess this will help me to look better, I suppose. With Mom too. I’m sure she’ll love Zoe and like her for me. But she might like her a little too much.

This really does feel dangerous. I don’t know how this will end…

Chapter 3


“OhmyGod.”Ican’t even sit up because my head is absolutely pounding. The cottonmouth isn’t helping my swirling my stomach one bit. I definitely went a little overboard last night. I mean, it was fun and everything, I definitely had a great time, but now… wow. I feel rough.

I slowly push myself up into a sitting position with my hand on my head. I blink a few times, letting the bright lights gently enter my eyes. As I adjust to where I am, my exciting new home, memories creep back into my brain as well. Last night was definitely a whirlwind, but there are stark memories that definitely stick out. Such as the bar where wefinallyfound Freddie…

Oh, and Remy too. That was a shock, especially since he struck me like lightning, and the teenage crush I once had on him which culminated in one incredible night of fun, came flooding back in one giant rush. Hestilllooks freaking amazing, even though he must be in his mid-forties by now. He’s still rough and ready, and those tattoos still do it for me.

ThankGodno one knows what happened between us six years ago. Not even Megan because I don’t think she’d have had the presence of mind last night to keep her mouth shut in front of Freddie. That would have been a disaster… and certainly wouldn’t have led to what happened next…

“Remy needs someone to act like his fiancée, to get the press off his back, and also to make his mother happy. You could do that, Zoe. You know Remy pretty well, right? He’d pay you…”

My brother’s words still ricochet through my mind. It doesn’t matter what I’d had to drink, that would have stuck with me no matter what. Freddie is pushing me towards Remy, wanting me to spend more time with him, wanting me to be on his arm all the time.

For a job, sure. But still, it’s a little crazy, right? I definitely think that we all got carried away last night. We set in stone a plan that I don’t know if I’m prepared for. I don’t think being engaged to Remy is going to stretch my acting ability too far.

But Megan might be right, I suppose the exposure could be good for me.

“Urgh, I don’t know,” I groan to myself as I bend my head between my legs. “I don’t know what the hell to do. This is a mess. I’m in a mess. I’m never drinking again!”

I stay where I am for a few moments, trying my hardest not to puke. It takes a little while for everything within me to steady myself before I finally rise upwards. I pad across the apartment, towards the kitchen where I find a sickly-looking Megan boiling a pot of coffee.

“You look as pale as I feel,” she chuckles weakly. “What a crazy night, huh?”

I laugh and gratefully take a mug of coffee from my friend. “It was nuts. Especially the job stuff. I can’t quite wrap my head around what Freddie was talking about…”

“Oh, the fiancée thing.” Okay, so Megan recalls it as clearly as me. So, it definitely happened. “Yeah, I don’t know if that was just drunken talk or not.”

My heart lifts and sinks all at once. Since I don’t know how I feel about the stupid job, it’s probably for the best if it wasn’t a real offer. It means I don’t need to panic too much.

“Okay, yeah, so I probably should just forget it, right.” I sip my mug thoughtfully.

“Shame, because Remy is a hottie, don’t you think?” I snap my head up at Megan as she laughs gravely. “Wow, Freddie has great taste in friends.”

My chest constricts with jealousy I know doesn’t belong there. Just because we hooked up thatonetime–which Remy might not even remember–doesn’t mean I have a claim over him. But I can’t help the way I feel, I can’t help the possessiveness I have over that man. I bite down on my bottom lip so I don’t lash out and say something I’ll end up regretting.

None of this is Megan’s fault. Remyissmoking hot after all.

Ring, ring… Ring, ring… Ring, ring…

I stare at my cell phone in horror. I didn’t even know I had Remy’s number stored in my phone, so that makes it even more shocking that he’s calling me.