Silver Fox Billionaire

Sneak Peek

Prologue: Angelica

“It’s time to break up with Angie, Marc.”

Those words… they stun me to the core, shatter my heart into a million pieces. Who on earth would want my boyfriend of a whole year to end things with me? We’re the real deal, meant to be, and I justknowthat we’re going to be together forever.

How can someone be against that? How can someone hate true love? Marc Thompson and I are justperfect. The sooner everyone accepts that, the better.

It’s hard to hear everything being said because Marc’s house isloudtonight. His birthday party is also a little like a graduation party, because high school is done now, and soon everyone here will be going separate ways in their lives, to different colleges. Even Marc and I are going to be on opposite ends of the country, but there’s no need tobreak up. That’s so extreme and unnecessary. We’ve planned how we’re going to make it work, so what itthis?

“I know you love her, but trust me, when you get to college everything will change,” the unwelcome voice continues. “I’ve been through it, and I’m trying not to let you make the same mistakes as me. A breakup now will be horrible, but splitting up with your high school girlfriend when you’re in college is so much worse.”

“But I really don’t like the sound of that, Haz…”

My blood runs ice cold. Haz. Fucking Haz. I have never gotten a good vibe from Marc’s older brother, who I’m pretty sure is thirty years old now, butthisis on another level.

Why does he hate me so much? Why is this asshole trying to ruin my life? I’m just taking a trip to the bathroom—I’m not even supposed to be listening to this chat—but now I can’t stop. I grip onto the doorframe so hard my knuckles turn white. My heart has started thundering painfully in my chest. Its pounding is noisy against my rib cage. I fear it might break free at any given moment. I suck in and hold my breath, though, because Ineedto keep on hearing everything. If this really is the end, then I need to know.

“I think you know I’m right,” Haz continues, trying to twist Marc’s mind around further.

I hope my boyfriend is strong enough to ignore his brother and to put me first, but I also know Marc looks up to Haz like he’s the best thing ever. This issofrustrating.

“You know that you need to be sensible and to put yourself first for a change. She’s a nice girl, I get it, but at the same time if it’s meant to be then you will find your way back to one another.”

No.I shake my head anxiously as the world starts to spin way too quickly.No, no, no.

I know we’re meant to be together, but I don’t want that to be something that happens way in the future. I want it to happen right now. I want Marc and I to remain together, and to make it work. I love him. Ilovehim so much. I won’t be able to cope without Marc—college will be a nightmare. He’s my safe place, my home, I need him.

“Idolove her, though, Haz. I don’t want to lose her. That feels really rough…”

My chest warms up, but I’m not quite ready to put a smile on my face just yet. Marc’s words might be strong, but the force in his voice isn’t quite as powerful. Does he feel the same way about me? I’ve always thought so, but now I’m not sure at all. Now nothing makes sense.

“Buddy, you’re going to lose one another anyway. Trust me. I know some of the strongest high school relationships couldn’t even last a week at college. Then it all gets complicated and the breakup is really hard. All because no one knew how to let go. Doing it here, while you’re face to face actually gives you a chance to do the mature thing and to talk it through properly.”

“This isn’t how I wanted tonight to end.” I hate the crack in Marc’s voice. Why the hell is he so weak? “This isn’t how I wanted any of this to end.”

“I know, but I’ll be here for you. No matter what.”

The room is spinning. Now I really do need the bathroom. I race through the hallway until I reach the room I so desperately need. I shove everyone out of the way, and finally lock myself away from the world. Away from Haz. That manipulative piece of shit. Oh my God, I despise him. I hate his guts.

As I’m trying to catch my breath, I hear people yelling at me. I guess there was a queue and I jumped it, but that isn’t at the forefront of my mind. I’m gasping, trying my absolute hardest to gather myself together before I become a useless puddle on the floor.

“I can’t let this happen,” I whisper to myself. “I can’t. I need to fight, I have to…”

But hearing Marc agree with Haz, and knowing just how much Marc respects his brother makes me want to weep. I grip onto my stomach, trying my hardest to keep the vomit inside. I have this horrible feeling that if I start crying, I’ll never stop.

I haven’t evenconsideredlife without Marc. My college plans have always included him. I thought that we would call and text, do video dates and even visit one another. That was all going to be part of my life. If he breaks up with me then I don’t knowwhatI will do.

I fall to my knees as the true reality of this hits me hard, and my palms smack against the vinyl flooring. I don’t even recognize the animalistic sounds coming out of me as I cry, sobbing as if I’d just lost everything. My chest hurts, my head aches, my whole body constricts with agony.

I can’t do this. There’s no way I can do this. I have to change Marc’s mind…

I honestly don’t know how long I remain crying in the bathroom, but I do know that by the time the tears subside, my face is red, raw, and full of agony. Ireallydon’t want to leave the bathroom now. I can’t stand the idea of facing anyone, but I also can’t remain here all night. Especially when I know there’s a queue outside. People want to use the bathroom, too.

Embarrassed and devastated, I sidle out of the bathroom, refusing to meet any eyes. I run down the hallway, needing to get outside. The heat of the house, plus the noise, makes me feel like the walls are closing in on me. It isn’t until the cool air of the night hits me that I finally stop running. That’s when I pause, and I slide my eyes closed and let the night wash over me. It’s cool and crisp but does nothing to calm down the racing heat through my body.