“They look good, and I’m sure there’s chemistry. I’ll keep an eye out today.”

Hmm, now that is really exciting. I will be trying my hardest to keep my eye out as well because if there is something going on here, then I want to know all about it. I want to be there to support them both. It would be amazing to see Freddie happy, and Mary Lou as well.

“Anyway, we better get you ready, hadn’t we?” Mom chuckles. “Because your husband-to-be is out there already with his little best man at the end of the aisle.”

Freddie is obviously Remy’s best man, but Wyatt is too. Having a big role in this wedding has made him very excited about it all. I think he’s keen for us all to be a family as well.

“Yes, let’s go down there so I can gather up my bridesmaids… before they take full advantage of the free bar, and the ceremony becomes a comedy sketch!”

We chose this resort to get married at because we wanted to be able to have everyone in our lives celebrate this amazing day with us. It’s glamorous and well decorated, with lovely food and drinks for everyone. I really do think this is going to be the best day of my life. Fun for us all.

Mom takes my arm, and we head down the stairs to the room which has been set up specially for us. Mom sends Megan and Mary Lou out to keep me calm while she gets everyone in place. It isn’t long before the lovely music starts playing.

“It’s time,” Mary Lou whispers excitedly. “Let’s do this.”

I nod, wondering if now is the moment I should ask her about my brother. Quickly though, I decide not to. We can talk about it at the reception if the moment arises…

For now, I need to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other, to get down that aisle to meet my husband to be so we can finally say those vows. That’s what I’m most thrilled about. Expressing aloud what I feel about him.

“Oh wow,” he gasps the moment he sees turns around to see me. “My goodness…”

I can see the intensity of the love shining in his eyes which makes me laugh a little with the giddy excitement of the day. I can hardly wait to meet him there, and it seems like Remy feels the same way. His has his arms outstretched to get me as soon as he can.

“You look unbelievable, Zoe,” he gushes excitedly. “Wow, I’m the luckiest man alive.”

“You don’t look too bad. That suit looks amazing on you.”

He leans down and rests his forehead on mine, just looking at me in my favorite way. I do adore it when we can stare into one another’s eyes like this, blocking the rest of the world out. It envelops us in a little bubble which is truly just for us.

But then the wedding begins, and the officiant starts speaking the official words, making both Remy and I smile. It’s like we have coat hangers between our lips because we’re grinning like crazy from ear to ear. I truly feel an intense love between us, and an unbreakable bond like nothing I have ever felt before. Knowing that I can have this for the rest of my life is overwhelming.

“…and now it’s time for you to say your vows, if you are ready…”

I jump in first, because I’m absolutely bursting at the seams to say what I need to. I have been holding these words in for such a long time, that I can’t contain myself any longer. The words have almost been falling out of my mouth as I stand here looking at Remy. It’s too tempting to reveal all right away. So now I’m glad that I can finally do it at the exact right moment.

“Remy, I love you,” I say confidently, watching his expression shine even brighter. “And I have been looking forward to being your wife for a very long time. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, and I’m so happy that we’re here making it happen. Our love has been a wild ride, bringing us to this point, where we can finally look towards our happy ever after… which is what I want to talk to you about now. The future.” I take his hands and bring them close to me, before lightly resting them on my belly. Confusion flashes across his face, I can tell he’s struggling with what I’m saying. He hasn’t yet picked up on the meaning to my words. Mind you, he’s never been amazing with hints. I think it's best for me to spill the beans. “Remy, I’m pregnant. We’re having a baby.”

As soon as this clicks into place, he lights up like a Christmas tree. “What? We’re having a baby? Are you for real? That’s so exciting. I can’t believe it!”

He laughs joyfully, before crashing his lips to mine. I think he’s forgotten that this is our wedding, and he’s supposed to wait until he’s told to kiss the bride. But I knew that would happen, because this is Remy, and he’s out of hand.

“I can’t believe this,” he cries out joyfully. “I’m so happy. We’re having a baby. Are you for real? This isn’t some crazy prank, is it? No, of course it isn’t. You wouldn’t do that. We’re going to be parents. I can’t believe how exciting this is.”

We’ve discussed having children, but we haven’t had time to actively try. I haven’t been looking at my ovulation chart or anything like that, but it’s happened anyway, and we’re both really happy about it. I want to make our family bigger, and I know that Remy does too.

As he lifts me from my feet and he spins me around, causing everyone to cheer so loudly I can hardly hear what he’s saying, I feel a lightning bolt of happiness shoot through me. This really is exactly where I was supposed to end up, here with him.

“Oh my God, Zoe, they make my wedding vows seem silly,” Remy finally laughs. “But I do want to tell you how much I love you, and how I can’t wait to grow old with you. Our child… children too. Because we are going to be a kick ass family. I’m sure of it. I know I had more to say than that, but it’s all gone out my mind. You’ll have to forgive me. I’ll tell you every single day instead. I’ll make sure you know how much I love you always.”

I think the officiant is then forced to tell Remy to kiss his bride because my husband has his lips on mine anyway. He’s kissing me with love and passion, with sweetness and desire, and with the sort of love that I know I’ll get to experience for the rest of my life.

“My goodness, I love you,” Remy murmurs against my mouth. “This is the best day of my life. I already knew that it was going to be, but you’ve made it even better.”

A tear of joy leaks down his cheeks as he embraces me hard. I really get the sense that this is the first day of the rest of my life. This is the start of my happy ever after. I knew when I first met Remy that he was going to be important to me. My crush on him was intense and powerful. I could have predicted then that it would end up this way.

Of course, I’ve had doubts along the way. Many times I didn’t think we could make it. But we’re meant to be together, and nothing can stop that. Thank goodness we both realized that before it was too late because I don’t think I could live without this love now, and I certainly wouldn’t want to.

This is where I’m meant to be, and who I’m meant to be with. What could be better than that?