“How long do you have filming?” Mary Lou asks me. “I’m really excited to go to a film premiere for the first time in my life. It’s going to be so glamorous.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that, but it’ll definitely be fun. Especially with us three there!”

Megan returns with the drinks, and she tells us all her wild Hollywood stories for a while. It’s funny actually, imagining that being her life. She’s my high school best friend who now rubs shoulders with A-list celebrities. It’s great, and I’m glad that she has that. I know it makes her happy. Knowing that she’s having a good time makes it easier when I miss her.

“Is that your phone?” Megan nods towards my bag. “I swear I just heard it.”

“Yeah, me too,” Mary Lou jumps in. “I think you just got a text message.”

Are they being weird? I don’t know, but I do eye them curiously as I pull out my phone. They are right though. Someone has reached out to me.

Remy:Do you remember where we shared our first alcoholic drink together?

Huh? Now I’m even more confused. Everyone is acting weird. I message back, but it’s still odd.

Zoe:The bar at Freddie’s birthday party, right?

Remy:Go there. To the table, to the chair you were sitting in.

“What is going on?” I ask my friends. “Look at what Remy just sent to me.”

My friends exchange a look, which only amps up my suspicion further. If something really is going on here, then they know all about it.

“I think we should follow the instructions. Just in case,” Megan declares as she grabs her handbag. “We’re almost finished with the cocktails anyway.”

“Really?” I ask, but Mary Lou nods as well. “Okay then, let’s go.”

We head to the bar, but much to my surprise, Remy isn’t there. Megan and Mary Lou don’t say anything, they simply head for the seat like they know what’s happening here.

There isdefinitelysomething happening. I guess all I can do is go along with it.

“So, what’s happening? Do we just sit here and wait? Or is there…” My phone bleeps again with another message from Remy, right as Mary Lou finds a bunch of bright red roses sitting on the chair for me. “Oh okay, so this is some kind of game, right?”

Remy:Roses are red, violets are blue… do you remember where I first publicly kissed you?

“Okay, so it looks like we’re headed to another bar. Come with me.”

I can’t stop myself from smiling as I hold onto the roses. Remy does a lot of sweet, romantic things for me, but this still feels like a surprise. Like I’m the luckiest woman alive. I can hardly contain my excitement as we head to the sidewalk where we first kissed for the paparazzi. I don’t know what to expect here, but my heart is pounding and I can hardly catch my breath…

“Barbara!” I cry out excitedly. “Wyatt, you’re here! It’s so good to see you both. Oh my God!”

Wyatt steps forwards and hands me a small gift. Inside is the first edition of a book I was talking about a few weeks ago… a conversation I wasn’t even sure Remy was listening to.

“This is so sweet.” Tears flood my eyes. But they are happy tears. I’m overwhelmed with joy. “I don’t knowwhatis going on here, but this is adorable.”

Remy:I love you. I hope you know that by now. But do you remember where I first said that to you? Because it’s a beautiful moment that I have never forgotten.

“It seems like we’re going to Remy’s house now. Are you all coming with me?”

Barbara looks over the moon that I have invited her. I can tell that she holds onto a lot of guilt for what happened in the past, even though I’m not concerned anymore. I wonder if she thinks I don’t want her to be involved in everything in my life, but I do. I adore her.

I link my arm through Barbara’s as we walk, and it isn’t long before she gets caught up in my giddy excitement. Iknowthat I’m the last person to know what’s going on here. Everyone else has been involved in the planning of this cute little treasure hunt, where I’m getting gifts at every stop, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying every moment of it. I don’t even need to know what’s going on, I’m happy to go along for the ride, to see where it takes me.

This might even be a little more fun than the cocktail night I had planned.

“Oh my God,” I gasp as soon as we get to Remy’s home, because there’s someone else who needs to join us. Someone who I wasn’t sure would fully want to. “Freddie?”

It’s been strained with us, it hasn’t been perfect, but I do feel like things have been getting better every single day. Freddie has slowly been opening up to me and Remy more and more, becoming increasingly accepting of us. But I’m still amazed that he’s here, being a part of whatever this is.