By the time he clicks the door open, I’m sure I’ve lost the color in my face. Now I’m about to make Remy worry that I’m about to be sick like his mother. Oh God…

“Zoe, thank you so much!” He extends his arms wide and invites me in for a hug, allowing everything else to just melt away. I don’t know how he’s managed it. How he’s made everything feel so much better with just the mere sight of him. “I have no idea how I can thank you for what you did today. You took such great care of Wyatt. I’m so grateful.”

I hug him tight and slide my eyes closed, trying not to let any tears fall. He has me all emotional now, and I’m not quite sure how to handle it. I don’t know what I should say or do.

“I have to tell you something as well, Zoe, because I’ve been holding back for too long.”

My heart stops beating as I take a step back. Is this it? Are we diving headfirst into ending things already? Shit, I don’t know if I’m ready for that. I don’t know if I can cope. I want to say things, to halt this moment, but I can’t. I’m struck with silence. All I can do is stare at him.

“Zoe, we’ve been dancing around this for way too long. We’ve been in this weird place forever, and we haven’t made any kind of decision either way. For many reasons, I think we both know why. I mean, it was supposed to be a mutually beneficial agreement with you as my fiancée, to make me look good for the press and to my mom as well. All while getting you noticed by the press. It’s been hard to work out which way things can go for us.”

I want to bring up his mother, and Freddie as well, because they are family, and they are going to be affected by what we do. But I can’t say anything. I can’t get the words out. I can’t seem to make any sound. I’m just stuck here waiting to see what comes next.

“But all the time, I’ve been falling in love with you. I haven’t been able to stop myself from falling in love with you, because you’re absolutely perfect for me. I know it. Imperfect because of the world around us, but when we cut that out, you’re perfect for me.”

“I love you too,” I whisper, actually feeling a whole lot freer now that words are out there in the open. I honestly didn’t know if I would ever get the chance to say them out loud, so this is wonderful. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than I am in this moment. “I have been in love with you, Remy. The whole time. Maybe even for the last six years…”

He chuckles, remembering that amazing night we shared, which is where this all came from. “Wow, now that really is something special, isn’t it? Me and you… it’s been brewing forever.”

I know it’s different for Remy in a lot of ways, because when I was in London he had a whole other love story with Lisa, where Wyatt was created. And that was beautiful in its own way. But he’s always been there in my heart, and I’m glad we can finally make this work.

It’s scary. We do have those outside factors to consider, but like Remy said, if we cut all of that out and we only focus on us, then there is a lot of love there. There are a lot of emotions there, more intense than I have ever felt before, so we should just explore that. Even if it doesn’t gel well with other people. Sometimes we just need to think aboutus.

So, as he leans down to kiss me, I allow everything else to finally go out of my head. It seems like Remy isn’t ending things with me. I don’t need to move away and change up my life completely, but that doesn’t make this any less scary. Being open and vulnerable, jumping into this with both feet, and leaving my heart well and truly on the line knowing it could get broken, is utterly terrifying. But it’s definitely what the both of us want.

As he cups my cheeks in his hands, I lean up on to my tiptoes and kiss him back. Because I need to taste those lips, I ache to taste him, to have him close to me once more. The electrical sparkles flurry all the way through my body as I press myself up against him, and I know that this isright.This is where I need to be. Scary as it is, this is perfect.

“I love you,” I murmur again because I love saying those words. Now that they are out there, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop saying them. “I really do, Remy.”

“Mmm, I know, I love you too.” Hearing those words is almost as exciting as saying them. Maybe even more so. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

When he takes my hand, I follow him to the bedroom with my eyes fixed on his the whole time. Now mixed in with the intensity of his desire is love too. Maybe that’s always been there, and we’ve been just trying to suppress it this whole time. But now it’s free, now it’s amazing.

We tumble on the bed together, still kissing, intertwined with one another, kissing sweetly as we take one another’s clothing off. This is just as passionate as the other times we’ve been together, but there’s less of a sense of urgency. It’s deeper and much more romantic. We can take the time to really explore one another, and to kiss and taste each other. My hands are all over him, just as his are on me, and we’re touching one another in the perfect way because weknowone another now.

Our “fake” relationship has taught us all we need to know.

The kissing deepens as a now naked Remy rolls on top of me. The sensation of his lips crashing against mine and devouring me in lust really makes my heart pound like crazy. I spread my thighs a little for him, wrapping them around his back to drive him deep inside of me. I need him, all of him, and I need him right now. I can’t stand being teased and played with today, not now that we’ve finally confessed our feelings to one another.

There is definitely a deeper bond and connection here, and it’s insane. I can feel it wrapping around us, enveloping us in a deep warmth that I can’t get enough of it.

“Oh fuck,” Remy groans in agony and ecstasy as he slides within me. “No wonder I love you.”

I feel the same way. No wonder I love him. How was I not supposed to fall in love with him when he’s absolutely perfect for me? How could I not love Remy? He’severything.

The more our bodies thrust against one another, and we fill up the room with sounds of bliss, the more the pressure of pleasure builds, the less control I have over myself.

I call out his name over and over again, like I’m yelling out a prayer. Each thrust is deeper and more intense than the last. He hits all the right spots all the time. My nails dig deep into his back as the orgasm of love finally claims me hard and swallows me up whole. I’m probably piercing skin, but Remy doesn’t notice that because he’s lost in the intensity of the sensations as well.

Eventually as we collapse on the bed in a sweaty, intense heap together. I let out a little laugh. Things are about to get way more complicated from here on out, no doubt about it, but it feels good because somehow, Remy and I have finally managed to get on the same page, we’re on the same team. I guess we’re about to give this a go and to see where it will take us.

For the first time in a very long time, I have some hope. I have a feeling that we’re going to make this work. I lace my fingers through his and hold him close. I can’t let him go, and now I might not have to.

Chapter 22


“Areyoureadyforthis?” I ask Zoe as I hold her hand tightly in mine. “I don’t know if I am, but we have to do this, don’t we? This is the only way.”