Without even giving it a second thought, I fire off a text to her.

Remy:Hey, I know this is a bit random, but if you aren’t busy today, do you mind coming to my mother’s house to watch Wyatt for a little bit? Mom is sick and I need to care for her x

It doesn’t take Zoe long to text back, which is a relief. Especially when I see her words.

Zoe:Of course, I will be there as quick as I can. Don’t worry x

She’s great, isn’t she? I don’t think I have ever met anyone with a big heart like hers. She’s already made a challenging time that much easier, just by being there for me. It shows me that I don’t have to get through life with everyone at arm’s length, like I have been doing.

“Here is your water, Mom.” I hand it to her… or I try to at first, but she’s too weak to take it. All of a sudden, the stress has gotten too much for her. So I lift the glass to her mouth and I help her drink it. “Come on, Mom. I need you to drink this. Please.”

Eventually, she drinks a bit of the water, but rises to her feet in an attempt to show me that she’s just fine. It really doesn’t work though, because her jelly legs give way. She can’t stand up straight. I grip hold of her and try my hardest to keep her upright. Something is going wrong though, really wrong, I can see by the way her eyes roll back in to her head.

“Mom?” I gasp out as she slowly becomes dead weight. “Mom, come with me. Sit down. Maybe I can even get you to lie down, because I think you need some rest…”

Nope, she’s slipping down. I can’t keep her upright any longer. I lie her down gently, realizing that she has definitely fainted now. I don’t know what’s going on, but I do need an ambulance. Zoe is on her way, she’s here to care for Wyatt, so I’m sure she won’t be annoyed if I have to take Mom to the hospital. No, Wyatt and she will be good, I’m sure of it.

“Mom, I’m calling an ambulance,” I tell her, even though I’m sure she can’t hear me. I think she’s knocked out and not listening to me. Her body has given up in a way that terrifies me. “I’ll get the paramedics here. Someone will be here in a moment. You’re going to be fine.”

My hand is shaking though as I dial 911. I can’t take my eyes off Mom the whole time as I explain to the operator what’s going on. She gives me some tips and stays talking to me until I can hear sirens blaring out and an ambulance heading towards us, allowing me to feel a little bit safer. I don’t know how I would have reacted if she wasn’t so kind to me.

Zoe turns up not much later, with a concerned look on her face. Rapidly, I explain to her what’s going on, and of course she tells me to care for my mother, because she’s got such a good heart. I thank her gratefully before I climb into the ambulance with Mom, so I can be there for her the whole way. Not that I know what’s going on, not that I can do much for her.

I hate being useless and standing to the side, but for now that’s all I can do.

Chapter 19


MyheartsinksasI watch the ambulance take Remy and his mother away because I don’t know what’s happening here. Barbara didn’t look good as she was taken away by the medical professionals. She must have passed out because she looked so pale. It’s heartbreaking. I don’t know what I can do to help, but I hope this is enough.

But I don’t mind being here with Wyatt, because a hospital isn’t a place for a child this small. He should be cared for and looked after. I want to distract him, to make sure he isn’t worried about his dad and grandmother. But what can I do? I’m not experienced enough for this. I like Wyatt and we get on well, but there’s a lot of pressure on my shoulders.

“What do you want to do?” I ask Wyatt in a much too bright a tone. He shrugs, not giving me much to work with. He looks a little shellshocked if anything. “Do you want something to eat?”

“I’m not hungry,” he whispers. “Will that ambulance be back?”

Oh God, what am I going to tell him? I’m not equipped for this. “Daddy and Grandma will be back soon, but me and you are going to hang out for the day.”

The TV is playing in the background, but he doesn’t seem to be interested in that now. He’s just sort of forlornly looking out to the street where the ambulance has gone. Ineedto do something to help out, but what? I have no idea how to make this situation better.

Who can I call? Who can help me here? I don’t think Freddie wants to chat at the moment. He’s been cold and distant ever since I started fake dating Remy, and I think he’s pulling further away from me by the moment. Plus, he might be upset that Remy contacted me, not him. I can’t call Megan either because she’s on her way to the airport for another job in LA. It’s just me, I can’t think of anyone else I know in New York City well enough to help with Wyatt…

Mary Lou.I don’t know why she pops into my mind. It isn’t someone I know too well, but she definitely knows how to deal with kids. She might also know Wyatt because of her friendship with Remy. I don’t know if she’ll be happy for me to just turn up without Remy, but that feels like the right thing to do here. I don’t want Wyatt to be bored here.

“Do you want to go on a trip?” I ask Wyatt a little awkwardly. “I was thinking we could go to the Congregate Care unit. There are a lot of children there you could play with…”

That makes his eyes light up a little. “Kids I can play with?”

I nod eagerly. “Yes, that’s right. There are some lovely children there. You’ll like them.”

Thank goodness. Wyatt finally looks a little relaxed which allows me to feel relief. I really hope that this works out.

Within minnutes we are driving to the unit. I try and keep the conversation flowing as we drive, because the silence is killer. I can’t sit in it, and I don’t think Wyatt’s keen either. He must be stewing in his emotions right now, and it’s really sad to witness. I can’t even reach out to Remy to see if everything is alright, because he must be having a hard enough time as it is.

“Is this the place?” Wyatt asks as we arrive, while sitting up a little straighter in his seat. “I haven’t ever been inside before. Am I allowed?”

I nod nervously, curious now. What if there’s a reason Wyatt hasn’t been here before? I really hope I’m not about to step on some toes here. “It’ll be fine. Let’s go inside.”