Remy:No one should try and make you do something you don’t want to. I think walking away is the best thing you could have done. I’m just glad you’re okay.

I had nothing to do with this, yet I like I’m to blame nonetheless. If I hadn’t pushed her away, then I could have been there to protect her. I could have been there to make sure no one treated her like shit. I would have smacked her costar in the face and the director too. The way a boyfriend would behave, I suppose…

Chapter 17


Myheartthundersagainstmy rib cage as I lie on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, waiting for my phone to vibrate again. I wasn’t going to text Remy. I’ve been trying my hardest to keep the hell away from him, but his constant reaching out to me made me yearn for him once more.

Because he is a good man, and he’s the only person that has made me feel like he does. I know I shouldn’t keep on with this, knowing how fucked up it all is, but I just can’t help myself.

I’ve told Megan that I just want to be left alone after the shitshow of a day I’ve had, so I know no one is going to disturb me as I slip back into the little fantasy world I know I shouldn’t have created with Remy. Just to take my mind off of everything…

Zoe:Thank you for taking my side. It wasn’t an easy decision.

I can’t believe he instantly agreed with me. I thought he was going to call me a fool for walking away from the one acting job I’ve worked on here. But I couldn’t go near Chris again, and certainly not with any nudity. I’d rather never act again than have that pig see any of me. I know acting can make people uncomfortable, but that was too far for me.

Remy:I wish I’d said sorry to you earlier. I was an ass the other day, and I do apologize.

Wow. Reading those words as I’m hiding away under the covers, trying to avoid the rest of the world allows me to smile a little. It’s nice to know he’s been thinking about that day as much as I have, and worrying about how it severed us. I don’t know where that leaves us though.

Zoe:It’s okay, it was a stressful situation. I get what you were trying to do.

Remy:That doesn’t excuse anything. I miss you.

My pulse races even faster as heat spreads through my body. He misses me? I guess I’ve been trying so hard not to think about him, that I haven’t wondered about how much he misses me too. I shouldn’t… we both shouldn’t… but I have loved the feel of his arms around me, and his body pressed up against mine. I have missed the pleasure only he can give me.

Zoe:I miss you too. More than you know…

Will he read between the lines and sense what I’m getting at here? A delighted thrill tears down my spine as I try to imagine where he is, reading these messages from me. I hope he’s in bed as well, remembering all the fun that we’ve had together.

Remy:I miss kissing you. And not for the cameras. For us.

Shit, he gets it. Lightning bolts of heat consume me. I have to squeeze my thighs together to stop the pulsating between my thighs from getting the better of me.

Zoe:I know it was naughty, but I like everything we did that was just for us.

Remy:I bet you did… because you’re a bad girl x

Uh oh. Now I’m pretty sure my whole body is on fire. I can’t remain still under the sheets. I keep squirming around in my excitement. God damn it, Isowish he was here, but I can’t invite him over and risk anyone finding out what’s happening. Not even Megan. I don’t want her to make any more jokes or judgments about me.

Zoe:I’m not being bad right now. I’m just lying in bed being really, really good…

Remy:Ooh, I can’t imagine that. Miss Sweet and Innocent, right? I like the sound of that. I wish I was there with you, licking your neck and kissing your lips…

Oh God, now the heat is really surging through my body. It’s like a trickling sensation, floating through my veins, filling me with exciting space dust.

Zoe:If you were here, my fingers would be all over you, stroking you lightly, up and down your chest, while ever so slightly brushing the waistband of your underwear.

Remy:My hands would be all up in your hair, tugging your lips closer to mine to kiss you.

Zoe:With your lips on mine, I would finally allow my hand to slip a little lower.

Remy:My tongue would be in your mouth, as the passion gets the better of me.

The pulsing between my thighs is starting to become overwhelming. I lay flat on my back as I try my hardest to catch my breath while the texting session intensifies. I wasnotexpecting things to go this way, that’s for sure. I just thought we’d have a little chat and clear the air. I certainly didn’t expect things to end like this.

Zoe:I would wrap my fingers around you, stroking your rock hard length…