I almost don’t want this day to come to an end because I’m having so much fun. This makes me want to bring Zoe with me every single time I come and visit the children.

Eventually though, we have to go. It’s time for us to get out of here, which is a shame but also means I might be able to sneak some alone time with Zoe.

Remy:Are you coming back to my place now? x

I know I could wait until we’re in the car to ask this question, but the texting has been fun. I love watching the way Zoe’s face lights up when she spots a message from me. Her natural beauty really shines free, making my heart sing.

Zoe:I was hoping you’d ask… xx

Remy:I can’t wait until we’re all alone. I can’t even begin to tell you what I’m going to do to you x

My heart thunders with excitement. It might be pounding so hard that everyone can hear it now, but I still don’t care. I reach out and take Zoe’s hand, holding onto her as we say goodbye to everyone, and we leave the building. The sizzle of electricity absolutely burns through us as we exit the building to get to the car.

I know I should hold back a little longer, but I’ve been behaving all day long, so as soon as I can, I cup my fingers underneath her chin, and I tug her lips towards mine. Kissing Zoe just forusand not to act like we’re a couple for the public eye is intoxicating. I like it so much, way more than I should. I hold her face in my hands for a few moments, pressing my lips to hers, and enjoying every single moment of this.

There’s a guillotine hanging over our heads, about to end this when the time comes, because this can’t last forever, that’s impossible. So, we have to embrace this moment while we can. I have to kiss her as much as I can, while I can.

A bolt of lightning shoots between me and Zoe, pushing us apart way before we’re ready for it. Although it isn’t actually lightning, that’s just how it feels in the moment, because it’s a shocking bright light which causes the pair of us to jump and to stare at one another in horror.

But if it isn’t lightning, then what is it?

“What the hell is going on?” I murmur as my eyes flicker around, trying to find the source of what just happened. “What was that?”

As soon as I finally find the source of the lights, of the lightning, my heart sinks. Not today, not like this, no way. This is supposed to be a secret, just for me. I don’t want the whole world to know. What the hell am I going to do now?

Chapter 13


Thishasbeenoneof the best days of my life. Seriously, seeing Remy like this, in his element has been wonderful. He’s a more vulnerable, open version of himself here, and I can’t get enough. Kissing him by his car before we leave the Congregate Care unit is the perfect way to end the most special date I’ve ever been on… until the flashing of cameras wrecks everything for us.

“Why the fuck are the press here?” Remy snaps angrily. He stiffens up like a new tension has completely flowed through him and ruined the atmosphere completely. “What the hell is going on? How did they find me? What are they doing?”

I know this is something he wants to keep to himself, but this reaction still knocks me sideways. I part my lips, about to ask Remy what he wants me to do, but he turns away from me and starts yelling at the photographers, letting some of his rage shine free.

Shit,this isn’t good. I know Remy’s upset, but I know this is a bad look. I really don’t think he’s going to want any of this in the media tomorrow. Rapidly, I step closer to him, and I rest my hand on his arm in an attempt to get us out of here.

“Remy, we need to go,” I say softly, trying my hardest to get through to him without creating a scene. “We have to get out of here before this gets ugly.”

He shakes me off like I’m nothing. There’s an icy coldness which over comes him, reminding me of the man I had to deal with in the beginning of all of this. He was cold then and I didn’t like the way he acted. It seems like he’s become that way again.

“You have no right to interfere with my life,” he yells over my head at the man who’s still snapping photos of him. Remy definitely isn’t going to look good in the morning. “This isn’t just about me. At a place like this, there are vulnerable people. You shouldn’t be here.”

“Remy, please…” Even though he’s upset me, I continue to try because we haven’t gone through all of this for nothing. Just for him to act like a crazy person. Now that we’re linked, everything that he does reflects on me as well. Hehasto think of me with his actions.

“Get in the car, Zoe,” he barks at me, dismissing me completely. “This doesn’t involve you. Let me handle this.”

Holy shit. I can’t believe he just spoke to me like that. Am I losing my mind here? Did hereallyjust act like that? I don’t know what his intentions are, but he can’t boss me around like that. No fucking way, I won’t stand for that shit. I can’t.

If only I was within walking distance. I’d leave right now. Unfortunately, Remy brought me here, so I don’t have any choice but to get in the car to get a ride.

Remy continues on with his yelling for a while. I’m not going to keep trying to talk sense into him. I don’t intend to keep fucking around when he doesn’t want me around. Fuck that, I don’t intend to be there while he makes a fool of himself. So, I climb into the car, but not because he told me to, because I’m over it. I’m done with him. Never again, no way.

It seems to take a lifetime, but soon he joins me in the car, muttering more complaints under his breath. All the sizzling heat that’s been burning between us all day long is still burning hot. But it isn’t desire anymore; it’s anger. We’re drowning in rage.

“Take me home,” I snap, because there’s nowayI want to go to his house now. “I don’t think I want to be around you for a while after that. That was insane.”

“Me? I was insane?” he shoots back, still way too angry to acknowledge that he’s done anything wrong. A part of me knows I shouldn’t try and have any kind of conversation with him while he’s in this mood, but I can’t help myself. I need to be heard. He didn’t listen to me when he was in the middle of attacking the press, even though I was trying my hardest to look out for him. I can’t stand him ignoring my emotions again. “Are you kidding me? I have to protect those kids.”