Alice drags me into the other room and shows me the food display that they have thrown together for me. It’s actually really sweet, and a ball of emotion floods me. I wasn’t expecting this to make me feel so many things all at once.

“Oh, Alice, this is lovely. I especially love the sign.”

Thank you, Remy! We love you!

That’s seriously touching. Like I said to Mary Lou, I don’t need any thanks, but it feels nice, nonetheless. I press my hands to my chest for a moment, just soaking this in. The kids don’t have to do this, but the fact that they want to is just so lovely.

“Is that pretty lady your girlfriend?” Alice pipes up. “She’s nice.”

“Zoe? She is really nice. I’m glad you like her.”

She nods eagerly. “Do you think Zoe will come and play games with us?”

“Why don’t you go and ask her?” I offer. “I bet she will. She’s a lot of fun. But she won’t beat me if we’re running. You know I’m the fastest runner here.”

“I beat you last time!” Alice throws her hands on her hips defiantly. “I’mthe fastest one here. We are having a race today, so you’ll see.”

This immediately descends into a play time like none other. I don’t think I’ve seen Alice and the other children laugh as much as this in a very long time. They are drawn to Zoe, in a similar way they are drawn to me. She has a magnetic pull which draws people towards her because of her sweetness, her kindness, and that smile of hers which just lights everyone else up around her. I couldn’t think of a better guest to bring to my party than Zoe. She’s the sort of person I always want by my side.

Zoe:Thank you for bringing me here today. I’m having the best time xx

I smile at her across the room, loving the text message that just flashed across my screen.

Remy:Thank you so much for coming! You’ve made this day so much more special x

Zoe:I didn’t know you did this. I didn’t know you helped out at a place like this xx

Remy:There are some things I like to keep to myself. The children here have a lot going on in their lives already. They don’t need the sort of press attention I would bring x

I watch her process this, taking it in deep before she responds. I kinda like having this secret little chat, just for us. In the midst of everything that’s all blurred, in all the fakeness, her words feel real, and I love having them on my phone to look at whenever I want.

Zoe:You’re a good man, Remy. You might not have always been portrayed that way in the media, but you are. You have a good heart xx

Shit, I don’t think anyone has ever said anything like this to me before. I don’t think anyone has reallyseenme like Zoe seems to. This is what Mom doesn’t see when she’s lashing out at Zoe. This is what she doesn’t understand. This is also why it’s so complicated, because of Freddie. Because he will hate me for allowing my feelings to overcome me like this.

Remy:You say that, but I think the kids like you more than me! x

Zoe:Well, I am very charming… I can understand why xx

Remy:You certainly are. That’s why I’m so glad that you’re my ‘girlfriend’ x

Zoe:Same! This has been more fun than any other acting job xx

The smile spreads across my face as I read her words over and over again. A cheekiness blasts through my body, making it really challenging to hold myself together here.

Remy:I don’t think you’re acting all the time though… x

Zoe:Hmm, you might be right about that. There have definitely been some very real moments along the way. Dangerously real… xx

Remy:Is today going to end up being dangerously real? x

My heart thunders as I wait for her to respond. This is naughty, this is cheeky, and I love it. I like texting this way with Zoe. I don’t think I’ve had a connection quite like this before.

I can’t stop myself from going on along with this further, to take the cheekiness even further. I know we can’t gotoofar because of where we are, but we can have a little fun.

Zoe:I don’t see why not… xx

It’s hard for us to keep our eyes off of one another as we enjoy the rest of the party. I can sense a sizzling of electricity burning between us, which I’m surprised everyone else doesn’t pick up on. But they are all so focused on having a good time and enjoying our bit of fun together.