Knock, knock, knock.

I step back waiting for the door to swing open, and thankfully it does. Zoe mutters to Megan, assuming it’s her roommate instead of me standing there. So, her eyes pop wide when she spots me.

“Remy, what the hell are you doing here?” She pulls her bathrobe tighter around her body, cutely covering herself up. “I didn’t know that we were meeting today…”

“I got the ring. I thought I would bring it over to you.”

She steps aside and lets me in, curiously eyeing the bag in my hand. “Right, the engagement ring. To make your mother happy…”

“Yes, and to show the press that we’re engaged as well. We made some good strides last night, which is something that we must carry on with…” I can see that she’s struggling with this, which can only mean one thing. “I see Freddie called you as well.”

“He talked to you too?” she gasps. “He wasn’t happy at all. It made me question everything.”

“Don’t forget that he’s the one who made this suggestion. I reminded him that we kinda have to do this for the plan to work out. As long as I look after you, that’s all that matters.”

She purses her lips and nods tautly. “I see. Well, that’s good. I guess he was a lot nicer to you than he was to me. I’m glad that means we can keep moving forward.”

I hand her the ring and she takes it nervously. She’s stunned by the sight of it, but I’m hoping she understands the reasons why. I can’t stop myself from smiling as she slides the ring on.

“It suits you,” I laugh. “I think it adds to our look as a couple really well.”

“This seems way too fancy for me to wear in public,” she says, finally sitting on the couch beside me. “I don’t know if this is a good idea at all. Can’t we get something a little more…”

“We need it to be seen,” I remind her. “We need everyone to pay attention to us and this ring. We need to get out more in public as well. And PDA might be necessary.”

Even though I tried to tell myself that I would hold back from the physical connection before, being in Zoe’s presence just makes me crave her. I can’t help myself. I know it’s wrong, but Freddie does know what this is and what it has to be…

“You think that’s a good idea?” she asks doubtfully.

“You don’t?” I cock a knowing eyebrow.

“I don’t know what I think anymore. My head is all over the place.”

Mine is too. We need to take a step back so we can set our boundaries and make sure we both get what we want out of this, so we don’t upset Freddie anymore. So why do we seem to be drawing nearer to one another by the second?

Shit. We really are in trouble, aren’t we? And throwing ourselves deeper in to it…

Chapter 7


Ihaven’tyetmentionedto Remy that aside from Freddie yelling at me, I’ve actually had some really great emails and communications this morning. Megan was right, having my name out in the public eye just a little bit has drawn talent agents to me.

I haven’t even had a chance to look through it all yet, because it’s been a little overwhelming. I don’t know which jobs look perfect for me, that I want to go forward with, but how can I think ofanyof that right now, when Remy’s gorgeous lips are edging towards me?

The kiss last night was shocking, and it came out from nowhere, but we both knew why we were doing it. It was all part of the plan. But this… this is private, just for us. It reminds me of that special night we shared at Freddie’s birthday party all those years ago.

My heart pounds. It races like crazy as I breathe him in deep. My eyes flicker, closing once his lips lightly graze against mine, sending a flurry of tingling everywhere. Holy shit, how are we supposed to keep away from one another when the chemistry feels like this?

“What are we doing?” I whisper as we pull ever so slightly apart. “This is madness.”

His hands hook around the back of my neck, commanding my body, holding me in place. We don’t know what the hell we’re doing, do we? But it feels good. I lean in and crash my lips to his harder, allowing the passion to shine free. His tongue invades my mouth first, but I’m the one who starts pushing back, caving to the intensity of the deep-seated desire.

Iknowthis is wrong, we both do, especially after we’ve been yelled at by Freddie, but this has always been taboo and that didn’t stop us beforehand, so why now? The boundaries have always been blurry, and we’ve already crossed them so now doesn’t matter. Right?

Oh God, I don’t know. Nothing makes sense, but yet this feels perfectly right. My heart damn near explodes with joy as he starts to push me backwards until I’m lying back, and my bathrobe has fallen open. I had a shower about an hour ago and haven’t bothered to dress. Now I’m grateful as Remy’s eager hands explore my sizzling skin.

Shit, there’s a little glimmer of familiarity there. My body reacts with a burning hot bliss that’s never quite vanished even as the years passed us by. But it’s also brand new, and that’s thrilling too. I absolutely lose my head in the overwhelming flurry of sensations as he drops to his knees on the floor, running kisses all the way down me, edging to where I’m absolutely aching for him. The deep throbbing between my thighs needs to be explored.