I stir in my bed, shifting from side to side as the shrill sound blasts. I’m not really in the mood to talk to anyone, not when I’m still exhausted. My alarm hasn’t even sounded yet so it must be way too early in the morning. But the ringing never stops. Whoever it is, isn’t even giving up.

With a deep and irritated sigh, I reach across to my nightstand and hit the answer button without even opening my eyes to see who is calling me.

“Remy, what the hell is going on?” Freddie’s sharp voice snaps me back to reality. “I just saw a bunch of photos of you kissing Zoe all over the internet.”

I’m silenced with shock. Did he not expect this? He’s the one who suggested that Zoe be my fake fiancée, so why would this come as a surprise? He sounds horrified.

“I… yeah I guess we went public last night,” I tell him honestly as I rub my forehead hard. “It wasn’t on purpose. We went to have dinner with my mother, and Mom was… well, a bit much.” That’s putting it politely. “So, we went for drinks and the press caught us.”

“So, you kissed?” Oh God, Freddie is fuming. I might not understand this reaction, but I know I need to make things right if I don’t want to lose my best friend here. “I didn’t know things were going to get physical with the two of you. I didn’t know this fake fiancée thing would require that. I have to admit, it makes me really uncomfortable to see.”

Shit. That sucks. I never wanted this. What a freaking good thing he doesn’t know the truth. I certainly don’t intend to mention now that there was a spark when we kissed. A flicker of a flame from the past, and one that made us both yearn for more. I’m sure I wasn’t on my own with that sensation because I could see the intensity of the desire flooding her body.

I don’t know if she wanted to come home with me. Ireallywanted to invite her, but I didn’t think I should. I knew both of us were trying our hardest to be smart, so we stayed away.

Now I’m glad because this call would be a hundred times harder if Zoe was in bed beside me.

“I’m sorry, Freddie. I didn’t mean for this to shock you. Neither of us planned it, it just seemed like a good moment to get our ‘showmance’ in the open. I want the press to pay attention to my new relationship, and I want to get Zoe’s name out in public as well.”

“Mmm yeah. I see.” Freddie sounds deflated which only makes me feel worse. I need to make sure we establish those barriers to make sure nothing real actually happens. “Okay, well maybe a little bit of warning next time. It definitely caught me off guard.”

Guilt floods me. it overflows and sickens me. I swallow hard, trying to seek out the right words to make this all okay, but what can I say? How can I make Freddie trust me?

“Sorry, Freddie. Like I said, we’d spent the evening with Wyatt and Mom…”

“Oh, how did that go? Is she pleased?” he asks cautiously. “Does she like Zoe?”

“Wyatt loves Zoe. It was surprising actually, how quickly he warmed to her. Mom… she was less sure. She seems to think that the age difference is a big thing. Maybe not for a fling, but for something long-term. I’m sure she will come around though. It’ll just take time.”

The silence on the other end of the phone is way too much. I hate the damage I’ve caused just with a spur of the moment kiss. It seemed like such a good idea at the time, I thought it would be perfect, and obviously it was. We drew a lot of attention our way, which will make sure people think that Zoe and I are a legit couple. It’ll also get Zoe’s name in the public eye.

But Freddie… he’s the person I wasn’t thinking about in the heat of the moment. I feel bad about that. If he suggested this, then obviously he was doing so thinking that it would be a pure relationship, no physical touching, just for show. I need to make sure it is just that.

“I hope her reaction hasn’t upset Zoe too much,” Freddie muses. “I am worried about my little sister, because she’s in a vulnerable position here. Just trying to kick her career off in New York City. She’s left our parents behind in England and is trying to find herself…”

I don’t see Zoe like that. She doesn’t seem vulnerable and struggling to me. I think she’s a strong, confident woman who knows exactly what she wants. I know my mother can be off-putting and a bit much, but Zoe held her own in the best way that she could.

“I will look after her,” I reassure my friend anyway. “I’ll do what I can to make sure she’s okay. Like I said when we were at the bar, I’ll see what doors I can open for her career. I swear to you, Freddie, I will make sure this benefits us both. It’ll be good.”

By the time he seems to semi-forgive me, I’m fully awake, so far from sleep that I get my sorry ass out of bed. We continue to talk for a little as normal, about nothing in particular, but I sense there’s still a bit of tension there. This has already had an impact on our friendship, which isn’t what I wanted. How the hell are we going to come back from this? This isallon me, and I need to ensure that everything ends with us all okay. Somehow…

My eyes flicker over the selection of diamond rings in the jewelry shop, wondering which one is right for Zoe, for our fake relationship. I’m thinking we need to go flashy and gaudy, over the top so everyone can see it. That isn’t what I’d pick out for Zoe if this was real, because she comes across as more understated and less impressed by the flashier things in life.

But this isn’t really forus. It’s for the press to spot, and to shut Mom up too. Although she probably made a good point, really. It wouldn’t be a real engagement, and no one would be able to take us seriously without this silly symbol of love. It might be insane, but if this is what we need to make things work, then this is what we shall do.

“Can I help you, sir?” The girl behind the counter shoots me an award-winning smile as she eyes up the commission that she might get here. “Is there anything that interests you?”

I don’t want this to be a long-winded thing which involves her putting on the big sell. Quickly I point out a princess cut diamond which I know will capture the light the way I want it to. I’ve seen plenty of photos of engagement rings of the people in my life, so I know what works well.

“I think this is going to be the one for my bride to be. Thank you very much.”

“This one here?” Her eyebrows raise high as she sees which one I’m looking at. I’m guessing that look means the price tag is a high one. This whole fake fiancée scam is going to end up costing me a fortune. But it’s bound to work out well, right? It’ll make me look like I’m finally settling down, which might give me a break from the society pages. It’s worth the cash. “Of course.”

She pulls it out and flashes it at me, showing it off some more. I nod and hand her my credit card. She grins from ear to ear, definitely delighted by this sale. It works out well for her, because she hasn’t had to do much, and she’s got a good commission. Good for her.

Once I have the ring, I make the drive to Zoe’s home. I haven’t heard from her since our photos went public, so I don’t totally know where her head is at. I don’t know if she’s had a telling off from Freddie either. If we’re going to keep our communication open and honest, then I want to start that right away. I hope she feels the same way as me.

At least I know where she lives. I’m sure Zoe wouldn’t have given me her address if she didn’t think I would just turn up like this… at least that’s what I try to convince myself as I head towards her apartment, because I know this is a chat that we need to have.