Page 41 of Keeping Lucy

We both jumped at Bruce’s sudden barked exclamation, the guilt in Lucy’s eyes mirroring my own. Had we been found out?

“Have you, dear?” Ellen asked patiently.

“Yes! We officially need a bigger dining room.”

Ellen laughed. “We sure do.”

“What do you think, son? When can we get it done by?”

“Spring, I’d say, Dad, as long as you don’t mind stopping here and there for wedding stuff.” Matt smiled at Zara, pulling her close to press a kiss to her temple.

“Sounds good to me! Do you reckon we go out the side that way, or out the back that way?”

“Why not both?” Lucy countered.

That did it. Everyone had a vocal opinion on what would be best. I enjoyed the dynamic immensely, backing Bruce up when he asked if I thought French doors straight out to the deck would work. There was something about a friendly family argument on Christmas night that got to me.

As the conversation wore on, Lucy relaxed against me more and more, until her head was on my shoulder.

Ellen looked across at us, smiling fondly. “Take your wife home.”

I nodded and without even thinking about it, dropped a kiss onto Lucy’s brow. “Come on.”

“I’m okay.”

“Sure you are. I’m pretty sure I heard you snoring just now.”

“Fuck off,” she said sleepily, getting to her feet when I pulled the chair back, making me chuckle.

The short car ride home was quiet, with Lucy curled up in the passenger seat, her eyes closed. It was well past midnight when I pulled into her drive.

“You can stay the night, if you like.”

I hustled after her when she got out of the car. The driveway was slippery and I didn’t want her falling over—wait, she was asking me to stay the night?

“It’s a long drive back and I have a spare bed. It’s a king single, so you’ll be a little squished, but it’s definitely better than driving back now.”

“Okay, thanks.” I completely ignored my twinge of disappointment and followed her inside.

Yawning, she pointed to the room at the end of the hallway. “Just through there, the bed’s made up already. You just have to climb in. I always leave this hall light on, and that room is the bathroom, if you need it.”

“I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Go to bed.”

She smiled. “Sir yes sir. I feel like I should salute or something, but I’m too tired. Good night.”

“Good night.”

Fifteen minutes later, lying in what I realized would be the baby’s room soon, I couldn’t sleep. It was ridiculous how much I had enjoyed today. It wasn’t just the Cooper family Christmas, although that was amazing. It was Lucy. Sitting next to her, having my arm around her, the whispered exchanges. Ellen’s“Take your wife home”had hit me in the solar plexus, hard. If only…but no, that was pointless. Punching the pillow in frustration, I rolled onto my side, my thoughts all of Lucy as I fell asleep.



Iwoke up the day after Christmas to a quiet house. Stepping out into the empty hallway, I had a flash of disappointment.Well, that’s just stupid.What did I think was going to happen? I’d find Dante in the kitchen, bare-chested and whipping up pancakes? If only… Nope, don’t go there. My situation was what it was, and I couldn’t change it. I had to make the best of it.

My stomach rumbled and I knew if I didn’t eat in the next five minutes, the hunger would turn to nausea, so I hurried into the kitchen. Since I couldn’t have a gorgeous air force pilot make me breakfast, I’d have to fend for myself.

Moving to the fridge, my heart skipped a few beats and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. Attached to the fridge door with a magnet was a note.